Solar Grids News

Kenya's State-Owned Utility Ken-Gen to Add 3000 MW RE to National Grid in Decade
Presently, KenGen has an installed capacity of 1,904 MW. It will explore tapping one more 10,000 MW of clean energy.
Jan 6, 2023 // Grids, National Grid, green energy, energy mix, installed capacity, Abraham Serem, KenGen
European Energy connects 51MW Danish solar
The Holmen Solpark 2 project lies in the Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality in the Western part of Jutland
Dec 29, 2022 // Plants, Grids, grid, european energy, JUTLAND
Grid-scale, residential energy storage installments established new quarterly records
The utility-scale energy storage space market set up 4,733 MWh in Q3 2022, going beyond the previous quarterly high of 4,590 MWh set in Q1 2021. This info is in the most up to date "united state Energy Storage Display" record from ACP and Wood Mackenzie. Grid-scale storage releases in Q3 primarily came from California and Texas, which accounted for 96% of overall mounted capacity.
Dec 16, 2022 // Residential, Grids, Market Research, USA, Jason Burwen, Wood Mackenzie, North America, Vanessa Witte
'Locational pricing can enable net zero GB grid'
New research shows price signals can be presented that support investments in renewable generation and flexibility
Dec 13, 2022 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Grids, Market Research, ENERGY STORAGE, UK, Europe, grid, Renewable Energy, England, BEIS, SCOTLAND, Wales, ENERGY SYSTEMS CATAPULT
Cambodia, ADB's solar collaboration connects first 60 MW to the grid
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) announced today that the initial 60 MW of the 100-MW solar photovoltaic or pv (PV) partnership with Cambodia's state-owned utility Electricite du Cambodge (EDC) were connected to the grid.
Nov 15, 2022 // Grids, ADB, Asia, Cambodia
Germany connects 1 GW of wind, solar to the grid in Sept
Germany turned on 273.13 MW of onshore wind, 99 MW of turbines at sea and 691.27 MW of new solar capacity in September, the Federal Network Agency said on Monday.
Oct 31, 2022 // Plants, Grids, Germany, Europe
Hungary's power grid can not fit any more solar capacity
Up until Hungary gets access to European funds for grid upgrades, any type of brand-new solar power plants and also small roof systems can only be utilized for own intake. The domestic PV sector is requiring exemptions for locations where the network can absorb more capacity.
Oct 20, 2022 // Grids, Rooftop PV, Solar Panels, Hungary, Europe, rooftop solar, Solar Power, transmission, renewable energy sources, Power Grid, prosumers, rooftop photovoltaic
World Bank advises acceleration of solar mini grids to power 490m people by 2030
Solar mini grids can power almost half a billion individuals by 2030 yet to attain this action is needed to increase their implementation, the World Bank stated on Tuesday.
Sep 28, 2022 // Grids, world bank, Riccardo Puliti
WEnergy team to spend USD 18m in solar microgrids in Philippines
A consortium led by Singaporean renewables infrastructure programmer WEnergy Global Pte Ltd (WEG) has actually won an agreement in a tender to construct 16 microgrids with solar energy elements in the Philippine district of Palawan.
Sep 13, 2022 // Markets & Finance News, Grids, Asia, Philippines, WEnergy
MISO's newly approved transmission line buildout 'to support 53GW of renewables'
The board of directors of the US Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) has approved a US$ 10.3 billion portfolio of 18 transmission projects as part of efforts to integrate new generation resources and also raise resiliency despite serious weather occasions.
Jul 27, 2022 // Grids, USA, grid, North America, miso, transmission line, Clean Grid Alliance, extreme weather
Netherlands grid operators making use of batteries to soothe bottlenecks
Grid operators in the Netherlands are trialling the capacity of large battery storage to soothe bottlenecks in the grid.
Jul 12, 2022 // Storage, Grids, Europe, solar-plus-storage, Netherlands, investment, colocation, renewables integration
Bboxx, Orange launch solar mini-grid project in the DRC under anchor business community model
Off-grid pay-as-you-go solar provider Bboxx has actually partnered with telecommunications business Orange to introduce a new solar mini-grid project to assist speed up clean energy gain access to for households across the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Jul 4, 2022 // Plants, Grids, bboxx, Orange, mini-grid, sub saharan africa, anchor business community, telecoms
FERC proposes interconnection reforms to speed up renewables deployment
Solar and energy storage space deployment in the US could be increased under new proposals from the country's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) aimed at resolving substantial stockpiles in interconnection queues.
Jun 20, 2022 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Grids, ENERGY STORAGE, FERC, interconnection, co-location
Australia commits to greater 2030 emissions reduction target
Australia's new Labor government has actually increased the nation's 2030 emissions reduction target as it vowed to support the transition to renewables by purchasing transmission infrastructure and also energy storage.
Jun 16, 2022 // Plants, Markets & Finance News, Grids, Policy, Australia, AEMO, Oceania, policy, Emissions, climate targets, Anthony Albanese
SEIA lays out its vision for US interconnection reform, suggests sweeping adjustments at numerous levels
The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has actually released a whitepaper detailing the reforms it thinks are needed to the US interconnection system, in which it outlines a collection of proposals for both regional transmission organisations (RTO) as well as the US-wide Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Jun 16, 2022 // Plants, Storage, Grids, USA, SEIA, FERC, pv power plants, interconnection, North America, doe, grid connection, connection queues, RTOs, interconnection reform, whitepaper