Solar Energy Market Research I Solar Industry Analysis & Reports

In this news section, you can get familiar with our regularly updated compilation of publications related to solar energy market research and analysis. Let's keep track of relevant reviews and reports, the market recent trends and statistics. Be aware of the solar market size and value, industry current state and development, and more.

IRENA Urges Faster Renewables Growth to Meet 2030 Goal
Global renewables capacity must accelerate to meet COP28 goal of tripling renewables by 2030, says IRENA. Current growth rate falls short, highlighting the need for faster progress.
Jul 12, 2024 // Market Research, IRENA
Global Energy Storage Market Set to Exceed 1 TW
Global energy storage market set to skyrocket, with 600% growth by 2033. China leads the charge with record-breaking installations in 2023. The future is bright for clean energy storage.
Jul 10, 2024 // Storage, Market Research, China, Asia
Global Solar and Wind Capacity to Reach 5.4 TW by 2033
Wood Mackenzie forecasts massive growth in solar and wind capacity by 2033, with China leading the charge. Energy storage market set to soar as well.
Jul 9, 2024 // Storage, Market Research, Wood Mackenzie, China, Asia
Renewable Energy Investment Hits Record-Breaking $358 Billion in 1H 2023
Global new investment in renewable energy skyrocketed to $358 billion in the first six months of 2023, a 22% rise compared to the start of last year and an all-time high for any six-month period. This is based on the latest investment data from BloombergNEF’s 2H 2023 Renewable Energy Investment Tracker report, published on August 21, 2023.
Aug 22, 2023 // Market Research, USA, Germany, China, Europe, Asia, North America
2023 Solar to Surge to Record 270 GW
Solar installations to reach historic high in 2023 with 270 GW of new capacity. China to remain leader in panel manufacturing while US sees boom in utility & residential solar. UK to lead in residential solar, Romania in distributed projects. Solar LCOE falling; 330 GW capacity by 2032.
Aug 4, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Market Research, USA, China, Europe, Asia, North America
Japan's Low-Cost Net Zero Path: Wind & Solar, EVs
BloombergNEF report suggests Japan can reduce emissions and import costs by transitioning to mature clean energy technologies. Investing in wind, solar and electric vehicles, as well as in $489.3B grid infrastructure, could help Japan reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and improve energy security.
Jul 25, 2023 // Plants, Market Research, Japan, Asia
Indonesia, India & China Account for Almost 70% of Demand for Floating PV in '22: WoodMac
In a significant searching for, the report adds that 15 nations are approximated to go across 500 MW of cumulative floating PV setups by 2031. These consist of China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, and Vietnam in the leading five.
Jun 1, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Floating PV, Market Research, Wood Mackenzie, Floating solar, Demand for Floating PV, Floating PV installations
SIDS to Strive for New Goal of 10 GW Renewable Energy Installed Capacity by 2030
In 2021, the total mounted renewable capacity for SIDS stood at 6533 MW, a boost from 6141 MW in 2020.
May 31, 2023 // Market Research, IRENA, International Renewable Energy Agency, Small Island Developing States, UN Climate Summit
WoodMac sees international floating solar market going beyond 6 GW by 2031
The international market for floating solar installations is projected to go beyond 6 GW by 2031, driven by expanding solar power demand, limited land availability as well as enhancing land prices for ground-mount arrays, Wood Mackenzie claimed last week.
May 29, 2023 // Floating PV, Market Research, woodmac
Enel halts stake sale in Greek renewable business - report
The suggested sale of a 50% passion in Enel SpA's (BIT: ENEL) Greek renewable energy subsidiary has actually been momentarily frozen, Greek news website Newmoney reports.
May 26, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Market Research, Greece, Enel, Europe
Wood Mackenzie: China's Solar Exports Boom 64% In 2022 Despite Global Trade Tensions
High power costs obliged consumers as well as designers from around the globe to get even more photovoltaic panels from China. Europe continued to be the China's top solar module export market with 56% share.
May 24, 2023 // Market Research, Wood Mackenzie, China, Asia, solar cell, solar panel, Alex Whitworth
Europe needs over USD 32trn of net-zero investment by 2050, states BNEF
Europe needs to invest greater than USD 32 trillion (EUR 29trn) in power as well as associated innovations in between currently as well as 2050 to change to a net-zero economic situation, according to a new report by BloombergNEF (BNEF).
May 15, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Market Research, BNEF, Europe
Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market To Touch USD 182.4 Billion by 2030: Report
The report stated that the development of the automotive sector in Indonesia, Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand, as well as India is anticipated to drive the sector.
Apr 13, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Market Research, USA, India, Asia, North America, Lithoum-ion
CEEW Research Flags Concentration Of Clean Energy Manufacturing As Global Risk
2 government-commissioned researches by CEEW claimed a few selected countries' global clean energy market supremacies. The study batted for an affordable and also cut off supply of crucial renewable resource technologies worldwide.
Apr 4, 2023 // Manufacturing News, Market Research, G20, critical minerals, CEEW, exports
Tesla Solar Roof sales lag dramatically behind ambitions - WoodMac
Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) has set up just 3,000 Solar Roofs, standing for almost 30 MW DC of capacity, throughout the US, given that the electrical car manufacturer revealed its solar roof item in 2016, Wood Mackenzie has estimated.
Apr 3, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Rooftop PV, Market Research, woodmac, Tesla Solar Roof