Solar Tariffs News

European subsidy-free markets have ‘developed rapidly’, investor says
One of Europe’s leading utility-scale solar investors has said that the continent’s subsidy-free solar market has “developed rapidly” in recent months.
Aug 22, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, UK, Europe, subsidy-free, Foresight Solar Fund, NextEnergy Solar Fund
Commercial solar at grid parity in China but a hard line is needed on soft costs
Deploying commercial and industrial PV in China without subsidy is already profitable in some areas, according to a new study, but prohibitive soft costs and cheap electricity are the main barriers for such installations in areas where grid parity remains out of reach.
Aug 16, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Grids, Tariffs, China, PV module, solar rooftops, subsidy
Lithium-ion batteries still set for US tariffs on September 1
The energy storage market is set to be the latest affected by Trump’s trade war as lithium-ion batteries were excluded from the group of Chinese imports for which the U.S. president announced tariffs would be delayed until December 15.
Aug 16, 2019 // Storage, Tariffs, Policy, USA, storage, TESLA, China, Trump, lithium-ion, Energy Storage Association, Nevada Gigafactory
Neoen touts 50MW victory in Portugal’s momentous PV auction
Neoen has shed light on its winning project in Portugal’s head-turning solar auction this summer, a tender consultants now say illustrates a new, bolder attitude towards merchant risks.
Aug 13, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, Portugal, solar pv, plants, Europe, neoen, auction prices, auction ppas, largescale2020
Ethiopia aims to set up formula for the calculation of mini-grid tariffs
Ethiopia is currently trying to set up a methodology for the calculation of electricity tariffs for mini-grid systems. Should the government’s work come to fruition, it can provide much-needed certainty to mini-grid investors.
Aug 12, 2019 // Grids, Tariffs, mini-grid systems, Ethiopia, Africa, Hizkyas Dufera, Scaling Solar
New US study finds renewable energy storage costs need to drop 90%
Researchers in the US have published a study that brings 20 years of renewable energy (solar PV and/or wind plus storage) generation into line with historical energy-demand profiles, to ascertain at what storage cost point renewables can cost-effectively consistently meet 100% demand.
Aug 12, 2019 // Technology, Storage, Tariffs, USA, storage, solar pv, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BESS, PHES, CAES, Jessika Trancik
Ninth Circuit Strikes Down California ReMAT In Winding Creek Solar Case
On July 29, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court’s decision in Winding Creek Solar LLC v. Peterman et al., ruling that California’s feed-in tariff for small qualifying facilities (QFs), the Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (ReMAT), violates the federal Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) (Ninth Circuit Case No. 17-17531).
Aug 9, 2019 // Plants, Tariffs, Policy, California, Winding Creek Solar LLC, Peterman, QFs, tariff, ReMAT, PURPA, Ninth Circuit, CPUC
Hawaii’s Trailblazing Solar Market Continues to Struggle Without Net Metering
Hawaii’s residential solar market continues to contract, a phenomenon the industry largely attributes to policy changes that went into effect after the state ended net energy metering in 2015.
Aug 8, 2019 // Plants, Residential, Tariffs, Policy, Sunrun, Hawaii, HSEA, Will Giese, NEM, Marco Mangelsdorf
Portugal reveals winners of record-breaking solar auction
Portugal has unveiled the final results of the solar auction held over the summer, identifying a handful of major foreign winners of a tender hailed as a worldwide milestone.
Aug 8, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, Portugal, Iberdrola, tender, Europe, iberia, solar auction, akuo
Argentina allocates 96.7 MW of PV in ‘mini’ auction
Of the 38 new renewable energy projects that have been awarded, 13 are PV plants, representing 96.75 MW of capacity. The average price for solar was $57.58/MWh, and the minimum was $54.22/MWh.
Aug 7, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, Portugal, PV plants, Argentina, cammesa, Brazil, installations, auction
Ukraine’s comedian-turned-president gets behind domestic solar
Ukraine’s recently elected president has rubberstamped new legislation designed to promote domestic solar via special tariffs.
Aug 7, 2019 // Tariffs, Policy, Ukraine, Europe, small-scale pv, small-scale solar, domestic pv, domestic solar, policy and regulation, policy changes, eastern europe
Ground-mounted PV auction set to boost France’s capacity by 10%
A major ground-mounted PV auction in France is set to boost the country’s solar capacity by 10%, with 107 developers successfully bidding on 858MW of capacity spread evenly across the country.
Aug 6, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Grids, Tariffs, France, Wood Mackenzie, Engie, tender, auctions, ground-mounted pv, Europe
Third-party solar markets will win from US-China trade war — Fitch
The global power and renewable energy market is expected to remain largely unaffected by the Trump administration’s new wave of tariffs on Chinese goods. Although shipments of Chinese modules into the U.S. market are falling, Chinese manufacturers sent more panels to overseas markets in the first half of this year than they did in the same period of 2018. Analysts from Fitch, meanwhile, claim the U.S. solar market will continue to expand, despite higher project costs.
Aug 5, 2019 // Large-Scale, Tariffs, Policy, Solar, USA, China, Fitch, PV panels, Trump, solar market, Asia, North America
Ukraine makes a bid for PV growth
The final segment in pv magazine’s look at unsung solar markets heads to Ukraine, where a generous feed in tariff and developments in the corporate PPA segment looks likely to push installations past the 1 GW mark for 2019.
Jul 26, 2019 // Commercial, Tariffs, Scatec Solar, Solar, tarif, commerce, Ukraine, PV, EBRD, NEFCO, Natixis, Total Eren, AlGihaz and NBT, Svitlana Teush, Head of Construction, Europe
Reform power billing or risk hindering clean energy, Spain told
Spain has an opportunity in its upcoming reform of electricity charging to clear hurdles for self-consumption and electric vehicles (EVs), according to national PV body UNEF.
Jul 22, 2019 // Tariffs, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, France, Greece, Germany, UNEF, UK, Italy, CNMC, Europe