Australia’s AEMC calls for energy pricing and transmission overhaul
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has released a new paper outlining a blueprint to coordinate generation and transmission investments. The draft proposal seeks to overhaul wholesale pricing and transmission access to lower electricity costs and the ever-increasing risks inherent in getting new renewable energy generation capacity into the network.
Oct 16, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Australia, Oceania, aemc, Chairman John Pierce
Plummeting lithium price will further dent Ganfeng profits
Beijing’s sudden retreat on electric vehicle subsidies in the summer has caused the value of lithium to hit the floor, with disastrous effects on the balance sheets of Chinese companies which had invested big in supply chains to support anticipated huge demand.
Oct 15, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, China, Australia, Asia, Oceania, Ganfeng Lithium
Australian agrivoltaics start-up aiming for eventual 1 GW of solar capacity
With sun the common component of solar energy production and agriculture, a new company in northern New South Wales is set to combine the benefits of sowing PV and forage crops in the same soil.
Oct 15, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, USA, Arizona, Australia, Oceania, North America, Oregon, Ben Wynn
Hydrogen powered mining trucks are coming
The building-sized trucks run on diesel and prompt logistical complications as large amounts of diesel must be shipped to remote mining sites. Attempts to decarbonize the mining sector will have to consider the heavy-duty vehicles.
Oct 15, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Transport, America, France, UK, Australia, Engie, Europe, hydrogen, Oceania, Michèle Azalbert, Anglo American
Lyon Group and China Huadian pen pan-Asia renewables-plus-storage deal
Australian renewables investor Lyon Group has penned an agreement with China Huadian Corporation which will see the duo co-develop and invest in power-plus-battery energy storage systems across Australia, China and other Asian markets.
Oct 15, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, China, Australia, Asia, solar-plus-storage, Oceania, BESS, lyon group, china huadian, jera, co-location, David Green
Australia is boosting shift to commercial EV fleets
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the governments of New South Wales and South Australia, grid operator Ausgrid and insurer NRMA, have awarded almost AU$500,000 to e-mobility start-up Evenergi to help businesses and consumers plan for the electric vehicle revolution.
Oct 10, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Transport, Australia, Oceania, Darren Miller, Ausgrid, NRMA, Dan Hilson
Siemens backs 5 GW green hydrogen plan for Australia
A massive green hydrogen production project has been unveiled in Western Australia with Siemens on board as technology partner. The location has been touted as Australia’s best for solar and wind power generation potential.
Oct 9, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Australia, Oceania, Siemens, Terry Kallis, Jeff Connolly, green hydrogen, Macquarie Group
Siemens backs Aussie plan to produce hydrogen via 5GW PV-plus-wind complex
Developer Hydrogen Renewables Australia (HRA) and German engineering giant Siemens have unveiled plans for a hydrogen production facility in Western Australia, meant to be powered by a whopping 5GW of wind and solar.
Oct 8, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Solar to Fuel, Australia, neoen, hydrogen, Oceania, solar-plus-wind, kalbarri, HRA, Terry Kallis, Jeff Connolly, Solar to Fuel, Solar to Hydrogen, Producing Hydrogen, Hydrogen from renewable, Renewable fuels
Australia’s Horizon to replace overhead network with solar and batteries
A recent project milestone saw the disconnection of properties from overhead lines and will enable 64km of poles and wires to be replaced by off-grid solar-plus-battery solutions.
Oct 4, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Storage, Australia, Oceania, aemc, Horizon, Stephanie Unwin
Australia’s Townsville battery gigafactory reaches new milestone
Plans to develop an 18 GWh lithium-ion battery factory in northern Queensland have reached an important milestone with the project feasibility study submitted to the Queensland government.
Oct 4, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Storage, Australia, Oceania, lithium-ion battery, Siemens, Magnis Energy, James Cook University, Edify Energy, Cameron Dick, Durr Megtec, Ausenco
Macquarie to invest in 20 GW pipeline of renewables
With hundreds of billions of dollars in assets and funds under management, Macquarie Group is seeking to amplify its considerable influence, bringing investment and reporting to bear on accelerating climate mitigation and adaptation.
Sep 30, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Australia, Oceania, macquarie, Shemara Wikramanayake
Australian tech billionaire to help fund 10 GW Sun Cable Project
Mike Cannon-Brookes, co-founder of software company Atlassian Corp, announced on the sidelines of the UN Climate Action Summit in New York he will help fund the ambitious 10 GW, AU$20 billion, Sun Cable Project in Australia’s Northern Territory.
Sep 27, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, USA, Australia, Asia, Oceania, Scott Morrison, Singapore, Donald Trump, North America, Mike Cannon-Brookes, Sun Cable Project, McDonald’s, Vanessa Petrie, Beyond Zero Emissions
The slow, inexorable rise of green hydrogen
The International Renewable Energy Association says the integration of hydrogen into the energy transition will not happen overnight and electrolysis costs will not be halved until the 2040s. That hydrogen and related products could revolutionize the world energy landscape, however, is not in doubt.
Sep 27, 2019 // Technology, Manufacturing News, Storage, Solar to Fuel, USA, Japan, Canada, Germany, UK, China, Australia, Europe, Asia, IRENA, hydrogen, Oceania, North America, Austria, Solar to Fuel, Solar to Hydrogen, Producing Hydrogen, Hydrogen from renewable, Renewable fuels
All that solar jazz
As 2019 enters its final quarter, the solar industry continues to face headwinds, even as the markets for solar deployment in Europe, the United States, and Australia remain strong. Paula Mints of SPV Market Research takes us through what to expect up until 2021.
Sep 27, 2019 // Opinions, USA, Australia, Europe, Oceania, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, North America, Paula Mints
Solar drives Neoen profit boost as clean energy portfolio hits 9GW
Solar project milestones helped Neoen achieve a marked profit boost in the first half of 2019, culminating in the addition of more than 1GW to its clean energy portfolio.
Sep 26, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, Portugal, France, IPP, Australia, pv power plants, Europe, neoen, solar-plus-storage, Oceania
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