Solar Plants News

R Power obtains 59MW Portuguese PV portfolio
Investment in projects in Santarem, Portalegre as well as Castelo Branco valued at EUR35.4 m.
Aug 31, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Portugal, Europe, PV Power Plant, solar projects, Przemek Pieta, R Power
Public discussion to introduce on 1-GW solar project in France
A four-month-long public discussion will quickly be released with regard to a 1-GW solar project that is being established by French power companies Engie SA (EPA: ENGI) as well as Neoen SA (EPA: NEOEN).
Aug 30, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, France, Engie, Europe, neoen, Solar Project
Gran Solar-Total Eren tie-up wins Galapagos solar-storage project
A partnership between Spanish PV professional Gran Solar as well as French independent power producer Total Eren has actually been granted a 25-year concession in Ecuador's tender for the building and procedure of the Conolophus solar-plus-storage system on the Galapagos Islands, the Ecuadorian ministry of energy and also non-renewable natural resources announced on Sunday.
Aug 30, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Total Eren, tender, solar-storage project, Gran Solar, Galapagos Islands
Sungrow to furnish 36-MW solar-plus-storage plant at Egyptian gold mine
China's Sungrow Power Supply Co Ltd (SHE:300274) revealed on Friday that it will supply tools for a 36-MW off-grid solar project at a gold mine in Egypt combined with a 7.5-MW battery.
Aug 30, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Sungrow, China, Asia, solar-plus-storage, Africa, Egypt, PV Power Plant
Eight cos sign up with Masterplan Solarcity campaign in Berlin
Photovoltaics (PV) manufacturer Hanwha Q Cells GmbH, renewables business Naturstrom AG and 6 various other companies from the energy field have actually signed up with the Masterplan Solarcity initiative in Berlin that aims to increase the growth of solar energy in the German funding and also have authorized collaboration arrangements with Berlin's Senate.
Aug 30, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Hanwha Q Cells, Berlin, Masterplan Solarcity
Sector 39 Waterworks in Chandigarh to Soon Welcome Solar Panels
The Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh will soon get its initial solar energy plant at the Sector 39 waterworks. The floating solar energy panels are expected to produce electrical energy worth 1.38 crore each year.
Aug 30, 2021 // Plants, Floating PV, India, Asia, Floating solar, Chandigarh, CREST, Sector 39 waterworks
Hevel finishes 'very first' off-grid crossbreed PV plant in Russian Arctic
Russian module and also cell maker Hevel Solar has created a 2.6 MW off-grid solar-plus-diesel project in the Chukotka self-governing area on the eastern shore of Russia, which the firm said is the initial of its kind in the Russian Arctic zone.
Aug 30, 2021 // Plants, Markets & Finance News, Europe, Asia, Russia, Hevel Group, HJT, off-grid, hybrid projects
AC Energy, ib vogt to Set up 300 MWdc Solar Projects in the Philippines
Philippines-Based AC Energy Corporation (ACEN), an energy platform of Ayala, is preparing to companion with the Singapore device of German firm ib vogt for the installation of a minimum of 300 MWdc of solar power projects in the country.
Aug 30, 2021 // Plants, Asia, ib vogt, Singapore, AC Energy Corporation, ACEN, Philippine Stock Exchange, PSE
Uzbekistan inaugurates first utility-scale 100MW solar energy plant
Uzbekistan's Energy Ministry introduced on August 27 the inauguration event for the nation's first utility-scale solar plant-- and the first successfully-financed independent power producer (IPP) solar project in the Navoi area.
Aug 27, 2021 // Plants, Asia, Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, pv power plnt
World's largest floating solar park to be integrated in Batam
Batam Indonesia Open Market Zone Authority (BP Batam) has authorized 2 MoUs to build the world's largest floating solar power plant (PLTS) in Batam.
Aug 27, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Floating PV, floating PV, Asia, Indonesia, Batam, pv powr plant
French 1 GW solar energy project to include batteries, hydrogen, agriculture
Engie, Neoen, RTE and the Saucats community system joined pressures to incorporate 1 GW in solar energy with 40 MW of storage, a hydrogen plant, a fruit and vegetable farm and a data center.
Aug 27, 2021 // Plants, Storage, Solar to Fuel, Engie, neoen, hydrogen, agrivoltaics, efficiency, rte
Solarvest inks 50-MW solar PPA with Malaysia's TNB
Malaysian photovoltaic (PV) plants contractor Solarvest Holdings Bhd (KLSE: SLVEST) has struck a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (KLSE: TENAGA) for 50 MW of solar park projects in your home.
Aug 27, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, TNB, Malaysia, PPA, Asia, Solarvest, solar park projects, Davis Chong Chun Shiong
Grenergy sends EIS for 40-MW solar project in Chile
Spanish renewables firm Grenergy Renovables SL (BME: GRE) has applied for an environmental permit to establish a 40-MW solar PV project in Chile.
Aug 27, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Chile, South america, PV Power Plant, Grenergy
Sungrow Supplies the Largest Solar-plus-Storage Option for Egypt Mining Site
The arrival of renewable energy at extracting sites is a welcome growth as these sites usually use fuels like diesel for their power requirements. The drop in storage expenses in addition to greater reliability and performance is allowing the adjustment.
Aug 27, 2021 // Plants, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Sungrow, Asia, Africa, Egypt, mining, Alvin Shi, juwi, centamin, sukari gold mine
New South Wales receives 34GW of propositions for newest renewable resource zone
A strategy to establish Australia's biggest renewable energy zone (REZ) in the state of New South Wales (NSW) has actually seen a frustrating level of interest, with projects standing for 34GW of ability submitted.
Aug 27, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Grids, Policy, Australia, Oceania, new south wales, Matt Kean, rez, renewable energy zone, Adam Marshall