Northeastern States Primed to Be the Next Major Energy Storage Market
Where the challenge was once a lack of profitable storage opportunities in the Northeast, now the trick is keeping up. Here’s GTM’s handy guide.
Jul 24, 2019 // Storage, USA, New York, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables, Sunrun, Northeastern states, PJM, York ISO, ISO New England, GTM, Massachusetts, Andrew Cuomo, SMART, Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target, Engie Storage CEO, Chris Tilley, Clean Peak Standard, New Hampshire, Tesla Powerwalls, Westmoreland, BYOD, New Jersey, VDER, NYISO, Vermont, North America
Continuing Shift To Renewables, AEP Commits To Coal Reductions
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio has approved a modified agreement that will accelerate emission reductions from American Electric Power’s (AEP) remaining coal-fueled power plants in the Midwest, eliminate a requirement to install “high-cost” emission reduction equipment at the Rockport Plant in Indiana, and retire Rockport Plant Unit 1 (1,300 MW) by the end of 2028, the utility says.
Jul 22, 2019 // Plants, USA, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio, AEP, CEO of AEP, Nicholas K. Akins, Sierra Club, AEP Indiana Michigan Power., North America, Indiana
German fund partners with ReNew Petra to develop annual 100MW of US solar
German clean energy fund Hep Kapitalverwaltung AG has entered the US distributed solar market with an investment in regional developer ReNew Petra.
Jul 18, 2019 // Large-Scale, USA, German, Hep Kapitalverwaltung AG, ReNew Petra, North Carolina, Christian Hamann, Zorya Energy Advisors, North America
Clean Energy Policy Push Faces Steep Climb Ahead of 2020 Election
There’s no shortage of ideas for supporting renewables on Capitol Hill. Gridlock has experts doubtful of near-term progress.
Jul 18, 2019 // Storage, Policy, clean energy, USA, storage, Washington, ITC, Ron Wyden’s, America, Wetstone, PTC, Canadian Solar, North America
Georgia Power Boosts Plan for Renewables and Storage After Local Stakeholder Push
The Southern Company-owned utility’s larger-than-expected storage rollout points toward a big new market in the Southeast.
Jul 18, 2019 // Storage, clean energy, USA, storage, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables, ENERGY STORAGE, Georgia, RESOURCES, SOUTHERN COMPANY, UTILITY-SCALE SOLAR, FP&L's, Carolinas, Southern Alliance, Allen Reaves, Georgia Power, Europe, North America
SMA America expands and updates inverter service center in California
SMA America has unveiled multiple updates to its service center that were designed to facilitate even more efficient technical support. Key expansions include a new, larger central and string inverter laboratory. The service center also features a rooftop PV system that functions as a real-world lab while offsetting energy costs. The new features will improve the ability to simulate issues, troubleshoot calls and provide service training for customers.
Jul 12, 2019 // Inverters, Rooftop PV, California, USA, ABB, Brad Dore, SMA OPTIM, inverter business, SMA America, North America
Cypress Creek to Cut EPC Business, Expand in Competitive Markets
The utility-scale developer seeks to reorient itself around competitive markets beyond its base in the Carolinas, using third-party construction firms instead of its own staff.
Jul 11, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, USA, Cypress Creeks, EPC, New York, North America
It's time for energy freedom in Alabama
Alabama is ranked 13th in the nation as having the greatest solar potential, yet only 0.26% of its energy comes from solar, leaving the state far behind others when it comes to total installed solar capacity.
Jul 4, 2019 // Plants, USA, NREL, Alabama, Solar Energy Industries Association, SEIA, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, North America