Solar Markets & Finance News

As Solar and Wind Become Cheaper, Japan Faces Billions in Stranded Coal Assets
The decreasing costs of solar and wind energy could generate $71 billion in stranded coal assets in Japan by 2025, according to a new report from the Carbon Tracker Initiative, a financial think tank, and the University of Tokyo. Offshore wind power will be cheaper than coal in Japan by 2022, new solar cheaper by 2023, and onshore wind less expensive by 2025.
Oct 9, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Japan, Asia, University of Tokyo
Total Corporate Funding for Solar Up 34% Year-Over-Year
Total corporate funding in the solar sector (including venture capital/private equity, public market, and debt financing) for the first nine months of 2019 was up with $9 billion raised, compared to $6.7 billion in for the same time period in 2018, a 34% increase year-over-year.
Oct 9, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, USA, Mercom Capital Group, North America
France assigns 129.4 MW in commercial and industrial PV tender
The final average price for power generated by solar systems with a capacity of 100-500 kW came in at €97.48/MWh. The price for 500 kW-8 MW installations was €86.54/MWh. Only the latter category saw a fall in price compared to the previous commercial solar tender.
Oct 9, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, France, Europe, Élisabeth Borne, François De Rugy
Stock markets pumped $1.3bn into solar in the last quarter
Fundraising activity for solar leaped in the July-to-September period to provide healthy quarterly and year-so-far comparisons on 2018.
Oct 8, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Mercom Capital Group, bboxx, Raj Prabhu, ReNew Power
X-Elio secures Portuguese oil and gas offtaker for 200MW of Spanish PV
X-Elio has enlisted a Portuguese oil and gas group as offtaker to a large-scale solar pipeline in Spain, adding to the country’s bustling PV power purchase agreement (PPA) scene.
Oct 8, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Spain, PPA, Galp, utility-scale PV, Europe, x-elio, oil and gas, offtaker
Embrace clean energy or risk US$71bn in stranded coal assets, Japan told
Japan risks saddling its citizens with an inefficient, economically obsolete power fleet if it doesn’t rethink its current plans for a large-scale roll-out of new coal, experts have warned.
Oct 8, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Japan, SunPower, utility-scale PV, Asia, coal phase-out, total solar, thinktank, carbon tracker, japan solar
US solar industry gets unlikely boost from the Trump administration
U.S. manufacturers First Solar and SunPower could be among the winners following the announcement that the Trump administration will impose a 25% tariff on bifacial panels, although analysts warned that the new tariffs could be an overall negative for the industry.
Oct 7, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, USA, SunPower, First Solar, Trump, North America, Bifacial panels, Jeffrey Osborne
Masdar wins Uzbekistan’s 100 MW PV tender with lowest bid of $0.027/kWh
Uzbek utility Uzbekenergo had received 23 offers for the 100 MW tendered solar plant. Two more solar tenders, with capacities of 400 MW and 500 MW, respectively, will be launched in the near future.
Oct 7, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Masdar, tender, Asia, Uzbekistan, large-scale pv, International Financial Corp.
World Bank: Nigeria’s mini-grid sector set to boom
A World Bank presentation in London drew an encouraging picture for the Nigerian market by explaining why the mini grid segment will take off in the next 12 months.
Oct 7, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Grids, world bank, Africa, London, Nigeria, Exel, Off-Grid Energy Access Forum, Nayo Tropical Technology, Havenhill Synergy Ltd, GVE Projects Ltd, ACOB Lighting Technology Ltd
Solar and wind make coal unprofitable in Japan
Recent investments into 11 GW of new coal generation capacity may result in reduced operating cashflows of $71 billion. That will occur, according to a report from the Carbon Tracker Institute, because solar and wind will become cheaper than coal in Japan by 2025 at the latest, despite high renewable energy costs at present.
Oct 7, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Japan, Asia, coal, Carbon Tracker Institute
WoodMac: Merchant shift may push PV towards risk-keener owners
Solar’s embrace of subsidy-free models could push it in greater numbers towards owners with the experience to navigate power price swings, according to Wood Mackenzie.
Oct 7, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Europe, woodmac, Africa, middle east, NextEra, Rishab Shrestha, Tom Heggarty
Bifacial loses US tariff workaround as Section 201 exemption is axed
The US government has extended its solar import tariffs to bifacial modules, in a policy u-turn set to partially redraw the global trade flows of the fast maturing technology.
Oct 7, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, USA, Jinko Solar, SunPower, First Solar, Bifacial PV, Donald Trump, North America, Jenny Chase, section 201, trade war, Hanwha Q-Cells, Mark Osborne
Bid of US$0.027/kWh sees Masdar bag 100MW solar contract in Uzbekistan
UAE developer Masdar Clean Energy has been awarded a 100MW project in Uzbekistan’s first competitive solar tender after submitting a bid of US$0.027/kWh.
Oct 7, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Grids, tender, Asia, auction, world bank, Uzbekistan, Djamshid Kuchkarov
REC Silicon May Sell Montana Facility
The polysilicon company draws another bad hand in the trade war.
Oct 4, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, USA, China, Trump, Asia, North America, REC Silicon, Montana facility, James A. May
NextEra and Southern Company Rank as Largest Solar Owners Outside China
The global solar market is growing rapidly but remains highly fragmented, Wood Mackenzie says.
Oct 4, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, USA, SOUTHERN COMPANY, Italy, Wood Mackenzie, China, Duke Energy, Europe, Asia, enel green power, North America, NextEra Energy, Dominion Resources, Rishab Shrestha, Tom Heggarty