Solar Technology & PV R&D News
EnergyNest’s thermal storage to replace natural gas at Austrian manufacturing plant
Norwegian firm EnergyNest is to deploy its thermal battery storage technology at a manufacturing plant in Austria.
Jan 29, 2020 // Technology, Storage, Europe, Austria, thermal, EnergyNest, Christian Thiel, Peter Flotzinger
Construction begins on pilot solar bike lane in the Netherlands
The electricity generated by the PV panels will be used to power the surrounding lighting system, as well as to heat the lane in winter to prevent road slipperiness caused by snow, ice or water. The project is part of a plan by the Dutch government to test the viability of solar power production on road infrastructure.
Jan 29, 2020 // Technology, PV panels, etherlands
Thinner silicon wafer is urgent question again
Lower prices for polycrystalline silicon have turned interest from poly-Si consumption minimization. However, the latest study shows that, with account to modern technologies, slimming wafers can be crucial for cost reduction and is worth attention again.
Jan 28, 2020 // Technology, Manufacturing News, USA, China, Asia, silicon, North America, polycrystalline
New way to calculate proper tilt angle for solar panels
An author from American research university has developed a new model to define the best tilt angle for photovoltaic modules at definite locations. According to the developer, the innovation can considerably improve the existing solar installation methods.
Jan 28, 2020 // Technology, Manufacturing News, USA, Solar Panels, North America, Christian Schuster
Unstable perovskites to turn into LEDs emitting blue light
A scientific group from UC Berkeley (USA) has developed a blue-emitting LED from halide perovskites, the cheapness and ease of making of which make them very attractive for electronic applications.
Jan 28, 2020 // Technology, USA, North America, perovskites
Innovative luminescent film to make a solar cell more efficient
A group of scientists from China has created an EVA film claimed to improve efficiency of solar devices by about 0.5 percent. This newly developed pure film converts ultraviolet radiation into visible light.
Jan 28, 2020 // Technology, Manufacturing News, China, Asia, EVA film
New washable solar-powered fabric developed in United Kingdom
The scientific group from NTU (England) has proven that a wearable PV device can be integrated into clothes. The innovative fabric has been based on µc-Si cells embedded into fibrous textile by means of super-thin copper wire. The newly created material is claimed to keep its efficiency after 6,000 abrasions, 25 handwashing and 15 machine washing cycles.
Jan 27, 2020 // Technology, Manufacturing News, UK, Europe
Researchers advance solar material production
A Washington State University team has developed a more efficient, safer, and cost-effective way to produce cadmium telluride (CdTe) material for solar cells or other applications, a discovery that could advance the solar industry and make it more competitive.
Jan 27, 2020 // Technology, USA, solar cells, North America, CdTe, Washington State University, Santosh Swain
Novel method to simulate performance of a cell with up to 5 junctions
Italian scientific team has developed a new method combining the Hovel model with SMM. The novel approach allows describing electromagnetic radiation in a PV cell more accurately, considering interference effects. The device under examination is based on Ge, InGaAs and InGaP. The corresponding anti-reflection coating can make a cell with 3-5 junctions 50-percent efficient.
Jan 27, 2020 // Technology, Italy, Europe
Watch how to improve perovskite solar cells in 2D!
Saudi researchers claim to have improved the thermal stability and moisture resistance of such devices by replacing 3D hybrid perovskite with two-dimensional compounds. They used organic compound ethanolamine, which is said to provide better results in slowing down the hot-carrier cooling process.
Jan 24, 2020 // Technology, Saudi Arabia, solar cells, Asia, perovskite
Huawei leveraging telecoms-led AI tech to boost project LCOE
Global technology giant Huawei is tapping into its telecoms-led, AI and 5G technologies to bolster the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) in utility-scale solar projects.
Jan 24, 2020 // Technology, Inverters, UTILITY-SCALE SOLAR, Huawei, ai, Rizwan Razaq
New process could yield 26.6% efficient IBC cells
Researchers in Germany are trialing a host of new processes and materials to develop interdigitated back contact solar cells. A deposition technology named ‘hot-wire’ chemical vapor deposition, is said to provide excellent passivation without the need for treatments such as recrystallization or hydrogenation.
Jan 24, 2020 // Technology, Germany, solar cells, Europe, IBC Solar
Less may be more in next-gen batteries
The process of developing better rechargeable batteries may be cloudy, but there's an alumina lining.
Jan 24, 2020 // Technology, Storage, USA, North America, Sibani Lisa Biswal, Rice lab
Newly discovered molecules capture the whole light spectrum
American researchers have found new molecules able to make use of the whole visible light range. Rhodium is effective at both absorbing the light and catalyzing the process of converting sunlight into hydrogen. The latter is suitable for usage as climate-safe fuel.
Jan 23, 2020 // Technology, USA, Solar Panels, hydrogen, North America, Rhodium
Japanese scientists study photosynthesis and Chl f for future solar application
A group of scientists from several Japanese research universities have found new information on where exactly the molecule of chlorophyl f is located and how it works. The research was conducted to better understand the photosynthesis process in order to be able to apply this knowledge practically, including solar industry.
Jan 23, 2020 // Technology, Japan, Asia, chlorophyl f
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