Rooftop PV News

Building a successful renewables auction in Colombia
pv magazine publisher Eckhart Gouras spoke to Carolina Obando, regulatory coordinator at renewable energy association SER Colombia, to discuss the country’s first renewable energy auction. The delayed tender promises to boost a solar industry with a 4.3 GW pipeline.
Sep 3, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Opinions, Rooftop PV, rooftop PV, Eckhart Gouras, Carolina Obando, SER Colombia, Maria Fernanda Suárez
Uzbekistan launches rebate program for rooftop PV
The Uzbek government last week opened a rooftop solar program which provides 30% of the initial costs for buying and installing a PV system, up to around $320 per project. Tax incentives are also available.
Sep 3, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Rooftop PV, Canadian Solar, Asia, Uzbekistan
France sets scene for decade-long PV boom with 2GW auction push
France has laid the groundwork for a new period of solar growth with the announcement of three new government solar auctions for 2020.
Sep 2, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Rooftop PV, France, tender, ground-mounted pv, Europe, rooftop PV
Solar hails victory as Victoria u-turns to ramp up rebate support
Victoria’s state government has yielded to industry pressure and increased the frequency and number of rebates available in its rooftop solar subsidy programme.
Aug 29, 2019 // Residential, Markets & Finance News, Policy, Rooftop PV, Victoria, Australia, rooftop, John Grimes, Oceania, subsidies, smart energy council
Standard Solar installs nearly 1 MW of solar for Flushing Community School District
Standard Solar has completed a seven-site solar project for Flushing Community School District in Flushing, Michigan. In a first-of-its-kind public-private partnership, Standard Solar designed, built, financed and will operate and maintain solar arrays at all seven schools within the Flushing Community School District. The renewable energy generated by the 956.8 kilowatts of combined arrays is estimated to save the school district $45,000 annually and $900,000 over the course of the contract.
Aug 26, 2019 // Rooftop PV, USA, Michigan, North America, Standard Solar, Tim Stein, Roof-mounted, Daryl Pilon
ReVision Energy installs 130.6-kW of rooftop solar for Boys & Girls Club
The Boys & Girls Club of Manchester has transitioned to solar energy. ReVision Energy installed 408 solar panels this summer on three rooftops, at the Union Street Clubhouse (81.3 kW) in Manchester, New Hampshire, and the Pool House and Stebbins Family Hall buildings at Camp Foster in Bedford (49.3 kW).
Aug 26, 2019 // Rooftop PV, UK, Europe, Boys & Girls Club of Manchester, ReVision Energy, rooftop solar, Diane Fitzpatrick
Mini series: Campaigning from rooftops to industrial sites
Walburga Hemetsberger joined SolarPower Europe as its new CEO around six months ago. It’s been a busy time, with the European elections and attempts to implement net zero emissions strategies that have kept Brussels hustling and bustling. At the same time, Europe’s solar industry association has been trying to push its industrial policy and rooftop campaign. Hemetsberger sat down with pv magazine for an update.
Aug 26, 2019 // Rooftop PV, Walburga Hemetsberger, rooftop, Europe, SolarPower Europe
Karnataka leads Indian states in new rooftop PV attractiveness index
The Indian state of Karnataka has snagged the top spot on the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy’s State Rooftop Solar Attractiveness Index.
Aug 23, 2019 // Rooftop PV, India, Asia, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, rooftop PV, State Rooftop Solar Attractiveness Index
Walmart pins store fires on Tesla solar installs in new lawsuit
Walmart has linked a string of store fires in recent years to Tesla’s alleged mismanagement of solar panel installation and maintenance, taking Elon Musk’s outfit to court.
Aug 21, 2019 // Rooftop PV, USA, TESLA, Elon Musk, SolarCity, ssfusa, lawsuit, Walmart, North America, litigation
CleanPeak expands solar mall portfolio in Australia with ReNu acquisition
ReNu Energy signed an agreement last week for the sale of its Australian solar assets to CleanPeak Energy, a commercial rooftop solar startup.
Aug 5, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Markets & Finance News, Inverters, Rooftop PV, Australia, rooftop, solar pv, ReNu, CleanPeak, SCA, Craig Ricato
Poland launches €235 million solar rebate program
The Mój Prąd scheme will be open to residential rooftop PV projects ranging in size from 2 kW to 10 kW. Furthermore, the Polish Parliament approved a new act that will allow for the wind and solar auctions planned for this and next year to move forward.
Jul 24, 2019 // Plants, Rooftop PV, Poland, Mój Prąd, PV micro-intallations, Piotr Pająk, Europe
SMA America expands and updates inverter service center in California
SMA America has unveiled multiple updates to its service center that were designed to facilitate even more efficient technical support. Key expansions include a new, larger central and string inverter laboratory. The service center also features a rooftop PV system that functions as a real-world lab while offsetting energy costs. The new features will improve the ability to simulate issues, troubleshoot calls and provide service training for customers.
Jul 12, 2019 // Inverters, Rooftop PV, California, USA, ABB, Brad Dore, SMA OPTIM, inverter business, SMA America, North America