
Oxbridge scientists seek to explain electron dynamics in perovskite cells
Researchers from the two prestigious U.K. universities are analyzing spatiotemporal charge-carrier dynamics in the perovskite materials used for solar applications. They have discovered the carriers propagate ballistically over 150nm within 20fs of photon absorption.
Dec 18, 2019 // Technology, UK, Oxford University, solar cells, Europe, perovskite
New solar cell invention could lead to cheap solar power
North Carolina researchers have developed a brand new perovskite solar cell method.
Dec 13, 2019 // Technology, USA, North Carolina, solar cell, perovskite, North America, Jinsong Huang
Energy Materials Corporation to help scale-up creation of perovskite solar PV panels
Energy Materials Corporation reports that the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office has chosen EMC to progress perovskite photovoltaic module development and research.
Dec 11, 2019 // Technology, Manufacturing News, PV panels, perovskite, Energy Materials Corporation, Energy Solar Energy Technologies
Chalcogenide perovskite materials for waste heat recovery and solar power
The recent study has shown that metal chalcogenide perovskite materials may be utilized for conversion of heat energy into consumable electrical power. These compounds, suitable for solar cell production, feature excellent aqueous and thermal stability. Another benefit is nontoxicity of their elements.
Dec 6, 2019 // Technology, USA, perovskite, North America, PV cells
New method to create efficient perovskite solar cells
Scientists from Singapore and Netherlands have found out how to create highly-efficient next-generation solar cells of perovskite materials.
Dec 2, 2019 // Technology, solar cells, Europe, Asia, perovskite, Netherlands, Singapore
New hybrid perovskite material for photovoltaic cells with improved stability
The group of researchers at Purdue University has developed a new sandwich-structured perovskite, which combines inorganic and organic materials. The innovative material is expected to maximize the perovskite solar cells’ thermal stability with no need to include toxic lead in the structure.
Dec 2, 2019 // Technology, USA, perovskite, North America
The nature of defects in perovskite materials discovered
Japanese scientists have investigated the nature of defects present in the structure of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. The study outcome is likely to help make perovskite solar cells more stable and improve their efficiency.
Nov 29, 2019 // Technology, Japan, Asia, perovskite
The MIT research team discovers a new perovskite material with ten times higher electrical conductivity
A group of scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology has created a novel transparent perovskite material that can be used in solar cell protective coating – PEDOT. The cells made of this organic polymer are easier to manufacture and install.
Nov 27, 2019 // Technology, USA, perovskite, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, North America, PEDOT
Scientists hit 21.6% perovskite cell efficiency using concentrator PV
An international research group achieved the result on a 9 sq mm, triple-cation based, n-i-p structured perovskite cell using low solar concentration levels. Device instability, however, remains a challenge.
Nov 22, 2019 // Technology, Saudi Arabia, UK, Europe, Asia, perovskite, Switzerland
A whole new perovskite material to harvest hot electrons
A Dutch-Singaporean scientific team has invented a brand-new semiconductor material based on bulk perovskite. This novel material allows collecting hot carriers’ excessive energy. Theoretically, reaping hot carriers can double hybrid-perovskite photovoltaic cells efficiency.
Nov 19, 2019 // Technology, Europe, Asia, perovskite, Netherlands, Singapore
Organic dopants for a stable perovskite
Researchers at Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University of Science and Technology have demonstrated a method they say could improve the stability of perovskite structures. The group found adding an organic dopant served to increase the strength of chemical bonds between organic and inorganic elements of a perovskite.
Nov 15, 2019 // Technology, Saudi Arabia, Asia, perovskite, KAUST, Aleksandra Oranskaia
Orderly disorder: Cambridge scientists make surprising perovskite discovery
Researchers have made a finding they say could vastly simplify and reduce the production cost of perovskite solar cells. Working with mixed halide perovskites, the group found a disordered chemical composition can improve device efficiency.
Nov 12, 2019 // Technology, Manufacturing News, UK, solar cells, Europe, perovskite, Cambridge University, crystalline silicon PV, Sascha Feldmann, Stuart MacPherson, Sam Stranks
Solar cells made of fully inorganic perovskite materials show higher durability
As William Marsh Rice research university scientists say, PSC can be manufactured under outdoor conditions, remain intact during months and have an efficiency exceeding 12 per cent, in case we use In instead of part of plumbum. Such an alteration will as well diminish defects that give negative impact to the solar panel bandgap.
Nov 8, 2019 // Technology, perovskite, William Marsh Rice research university, PSC, efficiency
Novel Solar Cells Arrive at International Space Station for Testing
Five different types of solar cells fabricated by research teams at the Georgia Institute of Technology have arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) to be tested for their power conversion rate and ability to operate in the harsh space environment as part of the MISSE-12 mission. One type of cell, made of low-cost organic materials, has not been extensively tested in space before.
Nov 7, 2019 // Technology, USA, solar cells, perovskite, North America, Georgia Institute of Technology, ISS, silicon-based cells, Jud Ready, Bernard Kippelen, Ajeet Rohatgi
Perovskite solar cells get an upgrade
Rice University scientists believe they've overcome a major hurdle keeping perovskite-based solar cells from achieving mainstream use.
Nov 6, 2019 // Technology, USA, solar cells, perovskite, North America, Rice University