Solar Energy Market Research I Solar Industry Analysis & Reports

Solar Market Insight Report 2019 Q4
The quarterly SEIA/Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables U.S. Solar Market InsightTM report shows the major trends in the U.S. solar industry.
Jan 8, 2020 // Market Research, USA, North America, Idaho
10 Charts That Can Help Predict the Year Ahead
Jan 8, 2020 // Market Research
Declining Renewable Costs Drive Focus on Energy Storage
Declining costs in available technologies have propelled interest in energy storage forward like never before. The price of lithium-ion batteries has fallen by about 80% over the past five years, enabling the integration of storage into solar power systems.
Jan 8, 2020 // Storage, Market Research, USA, storage, NREL, Hawaii, North America
Solar PV development prospects
Dec 26, 2019 // Market Research, IRENA
Flexibility of power systems on the demand side
Dec 26, 2019 // Market Research, IRENA, DSF
Renewable energy solutions for refugees and displaced people
Dec 26, 2019 // Market Research, IRENA, UNHCR
Renewable Energy Market Analysis of Southeastern Europe by IRENA
Dec 26, 2019 // Market Research, Europe, IRENA
BNEF’s New Energy Outlook
BloombergNEF's annual NEO is based on expertise of more than 65 experts in twelve countries. The tech and market specialists share their view on power sector trends.
Dec 26, 2019 // Market Research
U.S. Solar Market Swelled in Third-Quarter 2019
Dec 15, 2019 // Market Research, USA, North America, Solar Report
100% renewables means 95% less water consumption for conventional power generation
According to a new study by Finland’s LUT University, solar PV consumes between 2% and 15% of the water that coal and nuclear power plants use to produce just 1 MWh of output; for wind, this percentage ranges from 0.1% to 14%. Under the researchers’ best policy scenario, water consumption could be reduced by 75.1% by 2030, compared to 2015 levels.
Dec 12, 2019 // Market Research, USA, China, Europe, Asia, North America, Christian Breyer, Finland, LUT University
ARENA targets solar panel recycling in new $15 million funding round
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency has established a $15 million financing round to support projects aimed at reducing the cost and quantity of waste created by solar panels which have reached the end of the lives.
Dec 11, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Market Research, Australia, solar panel, recycling, Oceania, ARENA, Darren Miller
Clean Energy Investment In Developing Nations Slumps As Financing In China Slows
Dec 11, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Market Research, BNEF, China, Asia, BloombergNEF, Solar Report, solar investment
Battery Pack Prices Fall As Market Ramps Up With Market Average At $156/kWh In 2019
Dec 11, 2019 // Storage, Market Research, storage, BNEF, BloombergNEF, Battery prices