Solar Technology & PV R&D News

Scientist Devise New Methods for 'Solar-to-fuel' Manufacturing
Be it rising fuel prices or failures in electricity power grids, the consequences of international energy situation are difficult to neglect. The need for alternate fuel resources is more than ever, however, regardless of the popularity of solar panels, a substantial amount of solar energy goes untapped.
Aug 14, 2021 // Technology, Solar to Fuel, India, Asia, Solar to Fuel, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, covalent organic frameworks, COFs, Pardeep Singh, Shoolini University
Clear power-generating windows based upon solar-thermal-electric conversion
Windows are one of the most significant heat exchange network between buildings as well as the outdoors atmosphere, making up 50% of the energy inflow/lost from structures. Using windows for energy effectiveness and also power generation is a powerful complement to the use of roofings and walls.
Aug 10, 2021 // BIPV, Technology, shanghai, efficiency, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, SICCAS, solar-thermal-electric conversion
Indian Researchers Make Dendrite-free Zinc-iron Redox Flow Battery
The scientists explained their invention in the paper "A Dendrite Free Zn-Fe Hybrid Redox Flow Battery for Renewable Energy Storage space," published in the journal Energy Storage. The battery did disappoint any kind of indicators of dendrite formation, overcoming one of the key obstacles for redox-flow batteries based upon these low-cost, abundant products.
Aug 6, 2021 // Technology, Storage, India, Asia, kerala, Redox flow batteries
An universal intercalation technique for high-stable perovskite photovoltaics
A group of scientists led by the Nanomaterials Research Study Institute at Kanazawa University have shown that the stability as well as performance of specific photovoltaic panels can be significantly enhanced by using cesium iodide (CsI) intercalation modern technology. This work might aid make solar cells more affordable with other renewable energy resources.
Aug 5, 2021 // Technology, Japan, Solar Panels, Asia, perovskite, efficiency, Kanazawa University, Nanomaterials Research Institute
Solar Cells with Ferroelectric Crystal Lattice Create 1,000 Times Much More Power
Crystal Lattice of 3 different layers elevated the PV result of solar cells a thousand times. Titanium oxides of 3 different metals were made use of in the research. The study is still taking place to know exactly what triggered the PV result.
Aug 5, 2021 // Technology, Germany, solar cells, Europe, efficiency, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, MLU
Perovskites under pressure: Hot electrons cool quicker
In solar cells, about two third of the power of sunshine is shed. Half of this loss is due to a process called 'warm carrier cooling' where high energy photons shed their excess power in the form of warmth before being transformed to electricity.
Aug 4, 2021 // Technology, solar cell, perovskite, AMOLF, efficiency
High-efficiency formamidinium-based perovskite solar cells with procedure life time over 2000 hours
Solar cells, which transform sunshine to electrical power, have actually long been part of the international vision for renewable resource.
Aug 2, 2021 // Technology, Japan, solar cells, Asia, perovskite, efficiency, OIST, Yabing Qi, Guoqing Tong, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
The sunlight that powers solar panels additionally damages them ... yet 'gallium doping' is providing a service
The procedure of making gallium-doped photovoltaic panels was under a patent till last year. It's just since this approach has started to pick up vapor.
Aug 2, 2021 // Technology, Manufacturing News, Australia, Solar Panels, solar cells, Oceania, PV panel, University of New South Wales’s School of Photovoltaics and Renewable Energy Engineering, gallium
Surrey scientists functioning to find ideal solvents for perovskite inks
Perovskite solar cells have gotten focus over the last few years as a result of their ability to provide high photovoltaic or pv performance under a low-cost and also low-temperature solution-based fabrication handling, which permits products to be liquified in ideal solvents to produce inks.
Jul 28, 2021 // Technology, UK, solar cells, Europe, perovskite, University of Surrey, Ravi Silva, Ehsan Rezaee
Rougher user interfaces may enhance performance of next-generation solar cells
In simulations as well as experiments, researchers demonstrate that introducing small nanoscale texturing on the surfaces of products in perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells can dramatically increase efficiency by decreasing the quantity of light energy that is lost as a result of representation.
Jul 28, 2021 // Technology, solar cells, perovskite, silicon, efficiency, HZB, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Tockhorn, Johannes Sutter, Philipp Tockhorn
Scientist Make Instance for Gallium-doped p-type Heterojunction Solar Cells
Australian-Russian Research team has actually created Gallium-doped p-type SHJ solar cell wafers. They are 22.6% efficient with better stability and also cheaper costs.
Jul 26, 2021 // Technology, Manufacturing News, Australia, solar cells, heterojunction, Oceania, Hevel Solar, n-type solar wafers, p-type gallium-doped wafers, Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, University of New South Wales
NASA Solar Array Technology Now Powering Communications Satellites
Compact Telescoping Array (CTA), a technology developed at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, is used to give solar energy to satellites precede. A solar array is a collection of numerous photovoltaic panels that create power as a system.
Jul 23, 2021 // Technology, NASA, Northrop Grumman, solar array, Charles Taylor, Compact Telescoping Array, CTA, Richard Pappa
Microstructure morphology fine-tuning of active layer film improves organic solar cell efficiency
The power conversion effectiveness (PCE) of organic solar cells (OSCs) are shown to be improved through the microstructure morphology fine-tuning of active layer films. Thanks to the enticing benefits like lightweight, mechanical flexibility and also roll-to-roll processability, OSCs have actually drawn boosting attention. As a promising power source for flexible digital systems, they feature fairly high PCE, which still requires to be enhanced.
Jul 23, 2021 // Technology, organic solar cell, efficiency, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Group Lights Promising Method to Future of Photovoltaic Panel Production
University of Texas at Dallas scientists have actually shown that a method called photonic treating can be utilized to manufacture thin films utilized in flexible electronics 1 million times faster than standard methods. The experiments could help pave the way for the large-scale manufacturing of devices varying from wearable sensors to solar panels.
Jul 22, 2021 // Technology, Manufacturing News, USA, solar panel, North America, University of Texas, Julia Hsu
Sparkwing photovoltaic panels from Airbus to power lunar mission of Masten
Airbus introduced that its Sparkwing solar panels were chosen by USA-based Masten Space Systems for their XL-1 lunar lander. In 2023, the XL-1 spacecraft will certainly land at the lunar South Pole as part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program.
Jul 22, 2021 // Technology, USA, North America, Marloes van Put, Sparkwing solar panel, Alison Dufresne, Airbus, Masten Space Systems