Solar Energy Storage and Battery News
Nano-sizing solar panel scrap could create next-gen battery anodes
The uptake of solar power around the world is certainly a good thing for the planet, but that doesn’t mean it is without environmental consequence either. Some solar panel components are more easily recycled than others, and scientists in Australia may have just figured out how to repurpose one of the trickiest and most valuable: the silicon that serves as its semiconductor.
Oct 29, 2019 // Technology, Storage, Australia, solar panel, Oceania, battery anode, Deakin University, Mokhlesur Rahman, Ying Chen
Elon Musk offers discounted solar panels and batteries after California blackouts
Tesla is offering a discount on solar panels and batteries to people who are affected by wildfire power outages, Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted today. More than 2 million people across California have been affected by power outages since October 25th as utility companies try to prevent their power lines from sparking new blazes. A fire just north of San Francisco has already consumed more than 66,000 acres and is only 5 percent under control.
Oct 29, 2019 // Residential, Storage, Rooftop PV, California, USA, BATTERIES, TESLA, Elon Musk, Solar Panels, North America, Tim Hamor, Alternative Energy Systems
Is Eskom turning to solar?
The South African utility has issued a 20-strong tender for 50 kW solar inverters and mounting structures, to be used in four power plants. Although it is unclear whether the tender marks the energy company’s first step into solar energy, the procurement follows the recent publication of South Africa’s Integrated Resource Plan. Eskom is reportedly developing a renewables-linked large scale storage project which may explain the need for inverters.
Oct 28, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Inverters, tender, Africa, Chris Ahlfeldt, Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd, K.W. Miller
Battery costs for commercial market expected to drop 35% by 2024
According to new research from Wood Mackenzie, non-residential storage system costs will fall by 27% in the United States over the next five years. The fall in system costs will help drive a more-than-tenfold growth in the U.S. non-residential storage market by 2024. Commercial and industrial customers with predictable, peaky loads are increasingly turning to storage to help manage demand charges.
Oct 26, 2019 // Commercial, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Software, USA, storage, Wood Mackenzie, North America, Mitalee Gupta
8minute Solar Energy, Doosan GridTech developing advanced solar+storage software control solution
8minute Solar Energy has partnered with Doosan GridTech to develop an advanced energy software control solution for dispatching energy from advanced photovoltaic solar-plus-storage centers (PVS).
Oct 26, 2019 // Storage, Software, California, USA, North America, Doosan Gridtech, 8minute Solar Energy, solar+storage, Tom Buttgenbach, Doosan’s Intelligent Controller, Daejin Choi
Solar power met 45% of demand on Caribbean island of St Eustatius last year
The Netherlands-administered Caribbean island last year saw almost half its power demand provided by a 4.1 MW solar-plus-storage plant, commissioned in late 2017. The facility generated 6.5 million kWh of the 14.3 million kWh of electricity consumed in the territory in 2018.
Oct 25, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Europe, solar-plus-storage, Netherlands, Caribbean
Storage ITC could be ‘more impactful’ than any other policy
A standalone Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for energy storage in the US holds the potential to be more immediate and impactful than any other policy, the head of the US national Energy Storage Association has said.
Oct 25, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Policy, USA, storage, ENERGY STORAGE, North America, Kelly Speakes-Backman, investment tax credit
Tesla’s solar installs bounce back in Q3 with no sales force
Tesla reported a bounce back in solar installations in the third quarter of 2019, while energy storage installs reached a new record high. The company is also launching a third-generation residential roof system ahead of a volume production ramp.
Oct 25, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Rooftop PV, USA, TESLA, Elon Musk, solar-plus-storage, North America, Zachary Kirkhorn
Burkina Faso gold mines to get 13 MW solar-plus-storage
Renewable energy is rapidly being adopted by mining companies as the combination of off-grid power and cheaply available renewables offers a strong business case.
Oct 23, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Total Eren, PV plant, solar-plus-storage, Africa, nordgold, Burkina Faso, Nikolai Zelenski
Nordgold plans 13MW of solar with storage for Burkina Faso mines
Nordgold intends to build a 13MW PV plant with battery storage that will provide power to its Burkina Faso gold mines, thanks to an agreement signed with Total Eren and equity investor Africa Energy Management Platform (AEMP) on Tuesday.
Oct 23, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Total Eren, Australia, solar-plus-storage, Oceania, Africa, mining, nordgold, mines, Burkina Faso, downer, alinta, Nikolai Zelenski
KORE Power will start a 10-GWh lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant in the United States
KORE Power today announced its intentions to build a lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant in the United States to support global growth efforts for its Mark 1 Energy Storage System.
Oct 22, 2019 // Storage, USA, China, Asia, North America, lithium-ion battery, KORE Power, Lindsay Gorrill
Highview Power to build UK’s first large scale ‘cryogenic’ energy storage facility
The long-duration energy storage provider plans to eventually build a portfolio of 50 MW/250 MWh liquid air systems throughout the United Kingdom.
Oct 22, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Solar to Fuel, UK, Europe, Javier Cavada, CRYOBattery, cryogenic energy storage, solar cryogenic storage
Q Cells to introduce Q.Home energy storage at All Energy
Q Cells will introduce its Q.Home hybrid inverter and battery system to the Australian market at the All-Energy event in Melbourne tomorrow. It is also introducing its new larger wafer module, which hits 355 Wp on a 60-cell format.
Oct 22, 2019 // Storage, Germany, Europe, Hanwha Q Cells, Q.Home, Charles Kim, hybrid inverter, Melbourne
Hundreds of mayors urge Congress to extend solar ITC
More than 200 mayors across the US have sent a letter urging Congress to pass a five-year extension of the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) with a particular focus on creating jobs and drawing investment.
Oct 22, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Policy, USA, ITC, woodmac, North America, Abigail Ross Hopper, congress, mayors
South Africa PV industry welcomes 6GW allocation despite time gaps
A decision by South Africa's Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) to allocate 6GW of new large-scale solar over the next decade has been welcomed by the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) for giving a “moderate level of certainty” to the industry.
Oct 22, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, ENERGY STORAGE, Africa, coal, reippp, doe, dmre, embedded generation, sapvia, irp, Wido Schnabel, Niveshen Govender
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