solar cells

New perovskite guarantees 38.7% effective tandem cells
Japanese researchers have recognized a perovskite material with a strong band edge gap and high stability which they say might offer 38.7% efficiency if utilized in the right tandem cell architecture.
Feb 4, 2020 // Technology, Japan, solar cells, Asia, perovskite
Anti-solar cells: A photovoltaic cell that operates at night
In truth, a specially created photovoltaic cell might create up to 50 watts of power per square meter under ideal conditions in the evening, about a quarter of what a traditional solar panel can create in daytime, according to an idea paper by Munday and graduate student Tristan Deppe.
Feb 3, 2020 // Technology, USA, solar cells, North America, University of Maryland, Jeremy Munday
CEL Issues Tender for 100,000 Monocrystalline Solar Cells
The Central Electronics Limited (CEL), a public sector enterprise, has invited bids to supply 100,000 monocrystalline solar cells.
Jan 27, 2020 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, India, monocrystalline, solar cells, Asia, CEL
Researchers advance solar material production
A Washington State University team has developed a more efficient, safer, and cost-effective way to produce cadmium telluride (CdTe) material for solar cells or other applications, a discovery that could advance the solar industry and make it more competitive.
Jan 27, 2020 // Technology, USA, solar cells, North America, CdTe, Washington State University, Santosh Swain
Watch how to improve perovskite solar cells in 2D!
Saudi researchers claim to have improved the thermal stability and moisture resistance of such devices by replacing 3D hybrid perovskite with two-dimensional compounds. They used organic compound ethanolamine, which is said to provide better results in slowing down the hot-carrier cooling process.
Jan 24, 2020 // Technology, Saudi Arabia, solar cells, Asia, perovskite
New process could yield 26.6% efficient IBC cells
Researchers in Germany are trialing a host of new processes and materials to develop interdigitated back contact solar cells. A deposition technology named ‘hot-wire’ chemical vapor deposition, is said to provide excellent passivation without the need for treatments such as recrystallization or hydrogenation.
Jan 24, 2020 // Technology, Germany, solar cells, Europe, IBC Solar
Inorganic perovskite cells achieve 16.1% efficiency
Hongkongese scientists have created all organic perovskite solar cells claimed to reach 16.1 percent efficiency. The technology is based on Lewis-base small molecules passivating the layer of inorganic perovskite.
Jan 17, 2020 // Technology, Hong Kong, solar cells, perovskite
Perovskite to boost energy harvest of solar cells
Perovskites are likely to become a cost-effective and high-efficiency alternative for making solar cells as soon as they become as stable as silicon.
Jan 14, 2020 // Technology, China, Australia, solar cells, Asia, Oceania, perovskites
Cost-efficient solar cells for space application
Scientists from American National Renewable Energy Lab have discovered a new technology to cut the costs of manufacturing of a very efficient (but at the same time extremely costly) GaAs solar cell.
Jan 9, 2020 // Technology, Manufacturing News, USA, China, solar cells, Asia, North America
American scientists reverse electron’s way in natural solar cells
A group of researchers from Argonne National Laboratory and WashU have succeeded in leading electrons along the way they never take in the nature. This has allowed the scientists to better understand the initial processes taking place in the early photosynthesis history.
Jan 8, 2020 // Technology, USA, solar cells, North America, PNAS
New Methods of Producing Solar Panels Materials Unveiled
A RUDIN University chemist expert has unveiled a new material that resembles the structure of perovskite. He also suggested a method that allows for the production of a hybrid material that could be used to create solar cells.
Dec 24, 2019 // Technology, solar cells, perovskite, RUDIN University
Oxbridge scientists seek to explain electron dynamics in perovskite cells
Researchers from the two prestigious U.K. universities are analyzing spatiotemporal charge-carrier dynamics in the perovskite materials used for solar applications. They have discovered the carriers propagate ballistically over 150nm within 20fs of photon absorption.
Dec 18, 2019 // Technology, UK, Oxford University, solar cells, Europe, perovskite
Engineer discovers mighty power in small solar energy invention
Today's commonly used silicon solar cells are heavy and bulky, and take up a lot of space to produce power. Newer models, made from soft materials that are flexible and versatile, are cheaper to produce but also much less efficient than their pricier counterparts.
Dec 17, 2019 // Technology, Storage, USA, solar cells, North America, flexible, Susanna Thon, Johns Hopkins
Freestanding microwire-array allows flexible solar window
TSCs are emerging devices which combine the advantages of visible transparency and light-to-electricity conversion. Among the valuable potential applications of these devices is their integration into vehicles, buildings, or mobile electronics. Therefore, color-perception and flexibility are important in addition to the efficiency.
Dec 16, 2019 // BIPV, solar cells, Asia, Korea, flexible, TSCs
French research institute breaks efficiency record for silicon heterojunction solar cells
LITEN, a major European research institute, announces a 24.25 percent record, approved by the German independent calibration and test laboratory.
Dec 11, 2019 // Technology, France, solar cells, Europe, LITEN