red electrica de españa

Renewables add 50.7% to Spanish electrical energy grid in May
Solar PV power systems contributed to 11.4% of Spain's power mix last month, establishing a brand-new record for regular monthly manufacturing, according to brand-new information from grid operator Red Eléctrica de España.
Jun 7, 2021 // Grids, Spain, Europe, grid connection, Renewable Electricity, red electrica de españa, solar power generation, electricity supply, power mix
New heights for renewable energy generation in Spain as solar leads growth
Solar PV has been the motoring aspect behind the growth of Spain's eco-friendly power sector up until now this year, with renewables generation between January and also September up 16.3% on the very same duration of 2019.
Oct 7, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, Spain, Europe, southern europe, energy transition, red electrica de españa