
Solar to power 7MW ‘water battery’ at Aussie university
Energy use by air conditioning can be both expensive and taxing for the environment, with the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC), Queensland, Australia, set to trial a three-storey ‘water battery’ to reduce both energy demand and cost.
Sep 4, 2019 // Storage, Thermal, Australia, queensland, Oceania, thermal energy storage, air conditioning, water battery, cooling, USC
275MW solar-plus-wind-plus-storage superhub approved in South Australia
A monster A$500 million wind-solar-battery facility capable of generating 275MW has been greenlit by the South Australian government.
Aug 7, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Grids, Policy, Solar to Fuel, Australia, solar pv, queensland, neoen, hybrid park, hydrogen, solar-plus-wind-plus-storage, climate council, turbines, Oceania, Solar to Fuel, Solar to Hydrogen, Producing Hydrogen, Hydrogen from renewable, Renewable fuels