
Gransolar Powers Up 125MW Oz Solar Array
Gransolar and Vena Energy shine bright with the completion of the 125MW Amazon Solar Project, a key player in Queensland's renewable energy revolution.
Apr 19, 2024 // Plants, PV Power Plant, gransolar
Total Eren & Gransolar To Develop 14.8 MWp Microgrid Project In Galapagos Islands
The structure os a solar powered project on the Galapagos rates, as the islands are a variety hotspot, immortalised by Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution. Islands throughout the world that are usually based on nonrenewable fuel sources for apparent factors until lately, will profit widely from a sustainable shift much faster to cut prices and also tidy up the environment.
Dec 9, 2021 // Plants, Total Eren, BESS Project, Conolophus, E-quator project, gransolar, galapagos