
Solar-plus-storage grid parity sweeps through top EU markets
The costs of residential solar-plus-storage have already dropped or will only take a few years to drop to nation-wide grid averages across key European markets, according to Wood Mackenzie.
Aug 7, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Policy, ENERGY STORAGE, Spain, France, Germany, UK, Italy, Wood Mackenzie, Europe, solar-plus-storage, energy storage economics, solar economics, woodmac, stats, analysis
Reform power billing or risk hindering clean energy, Spain told
Spain has an opportunity in its upcoming reform of electricity charging to clear hurdles for self-consumption and electric vehicles (EVs), according to national PV body UNEF.
Jul 22, 2019 // Tariffs, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, France, Greece, Germany, UNEF, UK, Italy, CNMC, Europe