Managing off-centering distortion maximizes photoluminescence in halide perovskites
In work published in the National Science Review (nwaa288), a group at HPSTAR led by Dr. Xujie Lu used high pressure to tune the exceptional photoluminescence (PL) buildings in halide perovskites. For the very first time, they expose a global connection where controling the level of off-centering distortion (in the direction of 0.2) can attain optimum PL efficiency.
Dec 22, 2020 // Technology, China, Asia, perovskite, Xujie Lu, HPSTAR
The larger, the far better-- premium stability in isotope-functionalized perovskites
An international research study team led by scientists from Center for high pressure science and modern technology advanced study (HPSTAR) has actually reported a comprehensive high-pressure isotope research study on crossbreed perovskites.
Dec 7, 2020 // Technology, China, Asia, perovskite, efficiency, HPSTAR