Georgia Institute of Technology

Stopping Perovskite Degradation: Georgia Tech Unlocks the Key
Georgia Tech researchers make breakthrough in understanding degradation of new material for solar cells, discovering a way to prevent instability by adding a thin layer of molecules. Working to further develop the tech, they aim to create an ecosystem where Georgia can lead in emerging solar energy.
Dec 21, 2023 // Technology, perovskite, Georgia Institute of Technology
Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Found Thermally Unstable, but Solutions are in Sight
Halide perovskite solar cells are less stable than thought, but researchers at Georgia Tech have found a path to increased reliability and efficiency, according to new sustainable energy news research.
Feb 10, 2023 // Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, perovskite solar cells
Researchers produce smaller, more affordable flow batteries for clean power
Clean energy is the leading option for climate change. But solar and wind power are irregular at producing adequate power for a trusted power grid. Alternatively, lithium-ion batteries can save power yet are a restricted resource.
Jan 16, 2023 // Storage, Georgia Institute of Technology, flow battery, Nian Liu
Discovering key to affordable, rapid manufacturing of solid-state batteries for EVs
A brand-new manufacture method can allow solid-state auto lithium-ion batteries to take on nonflammable ceramic electrolytes utilizing the very same production procedures as in batteries made with conventional liquid electrolytes.
Mar 9, 2021 // Technology, Storage, USA, Lithium-ion batteries, North America, Georgia Institute of Technology, EV, Gleb Yushin, Yiran Xiao, Kostiantyn Turcheniuk
Gauging non-fulleren acceptors for organic PV
U.S. scientists are trying to understand how non-fullerene small-molecule acceptors (NAFs) increase the efficiency of organic PV devices. They claim that methoxy groups embedded in the acceptors could facilitate an efficiency increase of approximately 6%.
Dec 20, 2019 // Technology, Manufacturing News, USA, organic PV, North America, Georgia Institute of Technology, UNIST, organic PV cells, organic PV devices, Jean-Luc Brédas
Novel Solar Cells Arrive at International Space Station for Testing
Five different types of solar cells fabricated by research teams at the Georgia Institute of Technology have arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) to be tested for their power conversion rate and ability to operate in the harsh space environment as part of the MISSE-12 mission. One type of cell, made of low-cost organic materials, has not been extensively tested in space before.
Nov 7, 2019 // Technology, USA, solar cells, perovskite, North America, Georgia Institute of Technology, ISS, silicon-based cells, Jud Ready, Bernard Kippelen, Ajeet Rohatgi