
German-French scientists develop ultra-thin GaAs solar cell with 19.9% efficiency
The researchers have developed a new manufacturing process by using an ultra-thin absorbing layer made of 205-nanometer-thick gallium arsenide (GaAs) and a nanostructured back mirror.
Aug 7, 2019 // Technology, Manufacturing News, France, Germany, solar cell, GaAs, Fraunhofer ISE, C2N
Solar-plus-storage grid parity sweeps through top EU markets
The costs of residential solar-plus-storage have already dropped or will only take a few years to drop to nation-wide grid averages across key European markets, according to Wood Mackenzie.
Aug 7, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Policy, ENERGY STORAGE, Spain, France, Germany, UK, Italy, Wood Mackenzie, Europe, solar-plus-storage, energy storage economics, solar economics, woodmac, stats, analysis
France allocates 858 MW in PV tender
The average price guaranteed to the winners of the tender’s sixth window is €64/MWh. For installations above 5 MW, the price is €59.5/MWh, which is higher than the fifth window.
Aug 6, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, France, tender, Europe, installations, utility-scale, Elisabeth Borne
Ground-mounted PV auction set to boost France’s capacity by 10%
A major ground-mounted PV auction in France is set to boost the country’s solar capacity by 10%, with 107 developers successfully bidding on 858MW of capacity spread evenly across the country.
Aug 6, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Grids, Tariffs, France, Wood Mackenzie, Engie, tender, auctions, ground-mounted pv, Europe
Reform power billing or risk hindering clean energy, Spain told
Spain has an opportunity in its upcoming reform of electricity charging to clear hurdles for self-consumption and electric vehicles (EVs), according to national PV body UNEF.
Jul 22, 2019 // Tariffs, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, France, Greece, Germany, UNEF, UK, Italy, CNMC, Europe