Solar Grids News

Ethiopia aims to set up formula for the calculation of mini-grid tariffs
Ethiopia is currently trying to set up a methodology for the calculation of electricity tariffs for mini-grid systems. Should the government’s work come to fruition, it can provide much-needed certainty to mini-grid investors.
Aug 12, 2019 // Grids, Tariffs, mini-grid systems, Ethiopia, Africa, Hizkyas Dufera, Scaling Solar
Ib Vogt kickstarts EPC work for Aussie solar-plus-storage project
German EPC Ib vogt has started construction on a utility-scale project in Australia’s New South Wales (NSW).
Aug 12, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Grids, EPC, Australia, solar pv, plants, solar-plus-storage, ib vogt, new south wales
Sonnedix breaks ground on 171MW PV plant in Chile’s Atacama
Sonnedix has marked the launch of construction works for a large-scale solar installation in Chile’s Atacama desert, with a view to power up the plant late next year.
Aug 12, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Grids, IPP, Sonnedix, Chile, solar pv, utility-scale PV, plants, South america, Latin america, ground-breaking, atacama, atacama desert
Solar electricity is now CHEAPER than grid electricity in China — with one in five cities finding renewable energy lower cost than coal
Electricity produced from commercial and industrial solar energy systems is now cheaper in Chinese cities than that supplied by the national grid.
Aug 12, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Grids, Solar, China, Asia, Jinyue Yan, grid
Residential storage in Europe to grow 500% by 2024
A new report from analysts at Wood Mackenzie forecasts 6.6 GWh of residential energy storage to be installed across Europe by 2024. The economics of the technology are at a tipping point, increasingly reaching grid parity in European markets. With rising electricity demand and falling battery system costs, the trend will further spread across the continent and fuel an uptick in demand.
Aug 9, 2019 // Residential, Storage, Grids, storage, Spain, Germany, Italy, Wood Mackenzie, Europe, Rory McCarthy
IFC: Papua New Guinea becomes global off-grid solar hotspot
A mixture of development support, market economics and awareness programmes have propelled Papua New Guinea to the forefront of global off-grid solar, according to a new report.
Aug 9, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Grids, China, solar pv, Papua New Guinea, png, world bank, off-grid solar, solar lamp, solar lighting, Oceania, international finance corporation, ifc
Sunrun Hits Deployment Targets, Expands Grid Services Business in Q2
The largest U.S. residential solar installer hit deployment expectations and built out its battery business in the second quarter.
Aug 8, 2019 // Plants, Residential, Storage, Grids, USA, storage, Sunrun, installer
EDP secures second 100MW buyer for Californian solar-plus-storage project
EDP Renewables’ American subsidiary will sell 100MW of energy and 10MW of energy storage from a project in central California to the city of San Jose's default electricity utility, San Jose Clean Energy.
Aug 8, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Grids, California, USA, CCA, EDP, Engie, ssfusa, solar-plus-storage, community choice energy
275MW solar-plus-wind-plus-storage superhub approved in South Australia
A monster A$500 million wind-solar-battery facility capable of generating 275MW has been greenlit by the South Australian government.
Aug 7, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Grids, Policy, Solar to Fuel, Australia, solar pv, queensland, neoen, hybrid park, hydrogen, solar-plus-wind-plus-storage, climate council, turbines, Oceania, Solar to Fuel, Solar to Hydrogen, Producing Hydrogen, Hydrogen from renewable, Renewable fuels
Windlab starts Australian PV-wind-battery park following grid delay
Australian renewables developer Windlab has connected and energized its landmark energy park in northern Queensland, comprising 43 MW of wind, 18 MW of solar and a 4 MWh battery.
Aug 6, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Grids, storage, Australia, Windlab, Kennedy Energy Hub, grid-scale, Roger Price, Oceania
Bolsonaro clears Brazilian solar scheme at floating plant launch
Jair Bolsonaro has given the green light to a new solar scheme in Brazil’s northeast, marking its launch as he attended the opening of a separate floating project.
Aug 6, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Grids, Floating PV, floating PV, South america, Latin america, Brazil, solar water pump, jair bolsonaro, Bento Albuquerque, Gustavo Canuto, Chesf, floating plant
Ground-mounted PV auction set to boost France’s capacity by 10%
A major ground-mounted PV auction in France is set to boost the country’s solar capacity by 10%, with 107 developers successfully bidding on 858MW of capacity spread evenly across the country.
Aug 6, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Grids, Tariffs, France, Wood Mackenzie, Engie, tender, auctions, ground-mounted pv, Europe