Solar to Fuel. Hydrogen production from solar energy

Need for Hydrogen in India can Grow 5-Fold by 2050: TERI
A new report by The Energy as well as Resources Institute (TERI) suggests that the demand for hydrogen in India can grow 5-fold by 2050.
Dec 17, 2020 // Market Research, Solar to Fuel, India, Asia, hydrogen, TERI, Ajay Mathur, Rajiv Kumar
Enel pens deal for United States solar-powered eco-friendly hydrogen project
Enel Green Power has actually authorized an agreement that will see energy from among its US solar projects converted into eco-friendly hydrogen to be provided to a bio-refinery.
Dec 10, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Solar to Fuel, USA, UTILITY-SCALE SOLAR, Enel, hydrogen, North America, electrolysis, Salvatore Bernabei
Global environment-friendly hydrogen investments to top US$ 1bn each year by 2023 - IHS Markit
Yearly international investments in green hydrogen get on track to go beyond US$ 1 billion by 2023 as production prices drop and also governments enhance their support for the modern technology.
Dec 3, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, Solar to Fuel, IHS Markit, hydrogen, electrolysis, Soufien Taamallah
Iberdrola enhances environment-friendly hydrogen aspirations with Spanish electrolyser offer
Spanish utility Iberdrola aims to speed up the manufacturing of green hydrogen after signing a contract with Norwegian business Nel and developing a brand-new endeavor dedicated to the setup and also upkeep of electrolyser plants.
Nov 23, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Solar to Fuel, Spain, Iberdrola, Europe, hydrogen, Ignacio Galán, utility, solar-plus-hydrogen
Saudi Arabia Aims Next to Be Largest Hydrogen Exporter
The globe's largest oil exporter has actually established its sights on likewise becoming the biggest vendor of hydrogen, a fuel seen as crucial for suppressing climate change.
Nov 23, 2020 // Solar to Fuel, Saudi Arabia, Asia, hydrogen
Australian hydrogen project including 5GW of renewables safeguards investment firm backing
A Western Australian renewable hydrogen center that will be powered by 5GW of solar PV and onshore wind has actually safeguarded the support of Danish investment company Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP).
Nov 16, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Solar to Fuel, Australia, hydrogen, Oceania, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, CIP, Michael Hannibal
Environment-friendly hydrogen: Utilizing solar energy for water splitting
Max Planck scientists evaluate the destruction of photo-electrodes for water splitting as well as publish their current lead to ACS Applied Energy Materials
Nov 6, 2020 // Technology, Solar to Fuel, Germany, Europe, hydrogen, Max Planck, Siyuan Zhang, Christina Scheu
EIT InnoEnergy looks for to spearhead creation of Europe's environment-friendly hydrogen field with brand-new initiative
Power development group EIT InnoEnergy has launched a new effort targeted at boosting the advancement of a green hydrogen economic climate in Europe that could be worth as much as EUR100 billion a year by 2025.
Nov 4, 2020 // Solar to Fuel, Europe, hydrogen, Breakthrough Energy, eit innoenergy, electrolysis, Jacob Ruiter
Scientists catch honest photos of electrons collecting light at the atomic scale
In the look for tidy energy options to nonrenewable fuel sources, one appealing remedy depends on photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells - water-splitting, artificial-photosynthesis devices that transform sunshine and also water into solar fuels such as hydrogen.
Oct 5, 2020 // Technology, Solar to Fuel, hydrogen, Berkeley, solar fuels, Oliver Gessner, Monika Blum, Francesca Toma
Iberdrola sets up eco-friendly hydrogen device
The Spanish power business, which has hydrogen projects under way in its homeland and also the United Kingdom, says it will allocate new resources to place itself at the leading edge of the supply of renewables-powered hydrogen.
Sep 22, 2020 // Storage, Solar to Fuel, Spain, Iberdrola, Europe, hydrogen, Ignacio Galán
Western Australia checks out eco-friendly hydrogen hub with as much as 1,250 MW of solar energy
Western Australia is looking for international companions to discover the development of eco-friendly hydrogen projects as part of a center that can hold up to 1,250 MW of solar power as well as 270MW of wind power.
Sep 21, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Solar to Fuel, Australia, hydrogen, Oceania, Alannah MacTiernan, green hydrogen, solar-plus-hydrogen
Scottish Power to bring parent's hydrogen proficiency to north Europe
The U.K. utility is a companion in the Green Hydrogen for Scotland initiative which intends to be fueling industrial vehicles with sustainable hydrogen within 2 years, starting with a 10 MW electrolyzer on the borders of Glasgow.
Sep 18, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Solar to Fuel, UK, Europe, hydrogen, Glasgow, ITM Power
France desires 6.5 GW of hydrogen capability by 2030
Government ministers Barbara Pompili and also Bruno Le Maire today revealed a national technique for carbon-free hydrogen to the French Association for hydrogen and fuel cells and also various other significant players in the state's hydrogen economic climate.
Sep 10, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Solar to Fuel, France, Europe, hydrogen, Barbara Pompili, Bruno Le Maire
Snam moots carrying solar-powered hydrogen from Africa
Transporting green hydrogen created making use of solar PV in North Africa could be approximately 15% more affordable than producing it locally in Italy, a new research assembled by brain trust The European House-- Ambrosetti and natural gas titan Snam has located.
Sep 8, 2020 // Solar to Fuel, Italy, Europe, hydrogen, green hydrogen, north africa, Marco Alverà
Hydrogen to go
Germany-based Wystrach has actually developed a solution to mount hydrogen refueling stations wherever they are needed. The 350-bar hydrogen solution is likewise ideal for heavy-duty vehicles.
Sep 8, 2020 // Storage, Solar to Fuel, Germany, Europe, hydrogen, Wystrach, Wolfgang Wolter