Rooftop PV News

Vikram Solar commissions 164 kWp rooftop solar plant at Belur Math
The plant—commissioned for Damodar Valley Corporation—will power six buildings at the headquarters of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission.
Sep 27, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Rooftop PV, India, Asia, rooftop PV, Vikram Solar, Damodar Valley Corporation, Kuldeep Kumar Jain
In coming years, Montgomery Co. may require solar panels on homes
In the coming years, homes that are built in Montgomery County, Maryland, may need to have solar panels installed on their rooftops
Sep 27, 2019 // Residential, Rooftop PV, USA, rooftop PV, North America, Marc Elrich, Maryland, Lori Graf
Voltalia acquires French solar installer Helexia
The French renewables group has taken over a specialist in C&I rooftop solar and launched a share purchase offer to enable its employees to benefit from the growth of the company.
Sep 27, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Rooftop PV, France, Voltalia, Europe, rooftop PV, Nicolas Mayaud, Helexia, Sebastien Clerc
Bangladesh government pledges rooftop PV on all its buildings
The authorities expect to add 300 MW of rooftop solar in the next four years thanks to net metering regulations and hope the nation’s extensive clothing and textile industry will be encouraged to adopt PV.
Sep 27, 2019 // Rooftop PV, Bangladesh, Asia, Siddique Zobair, Infrastructure Development Company Limited
Solaredge launches smart modules with integrated power optimizer in Europe
For its new offer, the Israeli inverter maker is using modules provided by a Tier 1 manufacturer. The products have a 12-year warranty and 25-year performance guarantee.
Sep 27, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Inverters, Rooftop PV, JA Solar, Europe, SolarEdge, inverter, rooftop PV, monocrystalline PERC, Axitec, Axsun, Luxor, Kyoto Solar, DMEGC
Turkey to introduce provisions for storage
The Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Authority has published draft guidelines for the integration of storage in the energy system. The new provisions are expected to come into force at the beginning of next year.
Sep 27, 2019 // Plants, Storage, Rooftop PV, storage, Asia, Eren Engur, Turkey, Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Icarus Energy
Vietnam may cut FITs for large scale solar 20%
The tariff for rooftop PV will be maintained at $0.0935/kWh but payments for ground-mounted and floating solar could be cut to $0.0709/kWh and $0.0769, respectively. The previous FIT scheme, according to government figures, has driven the deployment of around 5 GW of solar generation capacity.
Sep 25, 2019 // Tariffs, Rooftop PV, Floating PV, Asia, rooftop PV, Vietnam, floating
Austria scraps its sun tax
The nation’s political parties have found agreement on a green electricity package which is expected to create stable conditions for the next three years. From next year, €36 million will be made available annually for the further support of PV systems and energy storage.
Sep 24, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Rooftop PV, Europe, Austria, Heinz-Christian Strache, Vera Immitzer, PVA
Austria mulls mandatory PV as new rebates for solar and storage launched
With the region of Styria considering making PV mandatory on all new buildings, the nation’s Climate Fund will support PV and storage projects in agriculture and forestry. Applications can be submitted by November 2020 – or until the pot is empty.
Sep 19, 2019 // Plants, Residential, Storage, Rooftop PV, storage, Europe, Austria, Styria
Australia’s Vic revamps solar planning rules amid rush for state incentives
Victoria has launched solar guidelines for installations larger than 1MW in a bid to ensure ease of connection and mitigate impacts on the environment and farming.
Sep 18, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Rooftop PV, Victoria, Australia, Oceania, rooftop solar, large-scale solar
Belgium’s largest PV rooftop commissioned by ArcelorMittal
The €7.5 million project, built by Dutch energy provider Eneco, is intended to power operations at the Ghent factory of the Indian steel manufacturer. Arcelor’s employees were invited to participate through crowdfunding.
Sep 17, 2019 // Rooftop PV, Europe, Belgium, Perpetum Energy, PV rooftop, Ghent factory, Eneco, Iwein Goigne
Germany will need 160 GW of solar by 2030 to prevent power shortages
EuPD Research has calculated what needs to be done to replace the nuclear and coal generation to be phased out in Germany. Accelerated expansion of PV appears the best short-term option. However, storage capacity will need to increase 30-fold by 2040 so solar can become the main pillar of the country’s energy system.
Sep 13, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Rooftop PV, Solar to Fuel, Germany, Europe, EuPD Research, BSW-Solar, Solar to Fuel, Solar to Hydrogen, Producing Hydrogen, Hydrogen from renewable, Renewable fuels
Bipartisan bill looks to simplify distributed solar permitting in US
A Republican senator from Maine and a Democratic senator from New Mexico have introduced legislation that aims to slash costs and red tape currently complicating local permitting for distributed renewable energy, energy storage and electric vehicle (EV) charging systems.
Sep 10, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Grids, Rooftop PV, USA, storage, North America, rooftop solar system, distributed solar, investment tax credit, Ross Hopper, Maine
California passes law that prevents cities from taxing energy generated by solar rooftop projects
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law last week financial protections for consumer investments in rooftop solar energy. The law, AB 1208 authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), extends a prohibition on cities and counties taxing the energy generated by rooftop solar panels for use by homeowners and businesses.
Sep 9, 2019 // Rooftop PV, California, USA, rooftop, North America, rooftop solar, Gavin Newsom, Bernadette Del Chiaro, Assemblymember Ting, Dave Rosenfeld, Solar Rights Alliance
Australia’s Clean Energy Council calls for drastic power market reform
Australia needs to drastically overhaul its power market in order to harness and benefit from the country’s skyrocketing rooftop solar and battery market, according to the Clean Energy Council (CEC).
Sep 5, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Rooftop PV, Battery Storage, Australia, Oceania, Clean Energy Council, rooftop solar, LRET, David Parker