Solar Plants News

Lightsource BP's latest procurement brings Spanish pipe to 3GW
Lightsource BP has added 703MW to its Spanish pipeline through the procurement of projects from Grupo Jorge, bringing its complete pipe in Spain to 3GW.
Jun 18, 2021 // Plants, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Spain, Lightsource BP, Europe, grupo jorge
Diode Ventures reaches fin close for 100-MW solar project in Texas
Diode Ventures LLC, part of engineering, procurement, consulting and also building company Black & Veatch Holding, on Wednesday stated it has actually secured financial close for a 100-MW solar project in Texas.
Jun 17, 2021 // Plants, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, USA, North America, Solar Project, Diode Ventures
Shell, JTC to check out utility-scale solar in Singapore
Shell has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Singaporean growth agency JTC to check out the advancement of a brand-new solar farm on the Semakau land fill to the south of Singapore.
Jun 17, 2021 // Plants, Markets & Finance News, Asia, Singapore, shell, Aw Kah Peng, jtc, landfill, Tan Boon Khai
AES Indiana obtains regulative nod to obtain 195-MW solar project
The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) has given the green light to AES Indiana to get the 195-MW Hardy Hills solar project in Clinton County, the system of AES Company (NYSE: AES) announced on Wednesday.
Jun 17, 2021 // Plants, Solar Project, AES Indiana, Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, IURC
NextEra Energy Resources wins nod for 118-MW solar project in Virginia
The Chesapeake City Council in Virginia has actually given the thumbs as much as an up to 118-MW solar project proposed by NextEra Energy Resources LLC, it was announced on Tuesday.
Jun 17, 2021 // Plants, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, USA, Virginia, North America, NextEra Energy, Solar Project
Banks Renewables' Leeds solar farm starts ahead
A new solar farm readied to have actually an installed capability of up to 50MW has been accepted by Leeds City Council.
Jun 17, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, UK, Europe, Banks Renewables, Lewis Stokes
Axpo inks UK solar offtake
10-year set price PPA is for 100% of the electricity created by Voltalia's 7.2 MW Tonge PV park in Kent
Jun 17, 2021 // Plants, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, UK, Solar, Axpo, Voltalia, Europe
Shanghai Electric reveals progress with 700-MW CSP project in Dubai
China's Shanghai Electric Group Co (SHA:601727) has announced it has actually accomplished numerous crucial milestones in construction of the 700-MW Noor Energy I tower and trough concentrated solar energy (CSP) project in Dubai.
Jun 16, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, China, Asia, Dubai, csp, Shanghai Electric Group Co, Zhao Hui
Banks Renewables obtains authorization for 40-MW solar park near Leeds
Banks Renewables, part of UK building as well as energy business The Banks Group, on Tuesday said its plans for a 40-MW solar park to the east of Leeds have actually been approved by Leeds City Council's preparation board.
Jun 16, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, PV Power Plant, Banks Renewables
Brazil's Lisarb Energy indications lease for 20 MW of solar projects
Brazilian solar developer Lisarb Energy has actually authorized 15-year lease contracts for 20 MW of brand-new solar parks with local sugar and also ethanol manufacturer Raizen.
Jun 16, 2021 // Plants, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, South america, Brazil, solar projects, Lisarb Energy, Raizen
LYS Energy to mount rooftop solar for HG Metal Manufacturing in Singapore
Singapore-based independent power manufacturer LYS Energy Group has actually been acquired to install a 936.84-kWp solar array for local steel representative HG Metal Manufacturing Ltd
Jun 15, 2021 // Plants, Rooftop PV, Asia, rooftop PV, Singapore, LYS Energy Group, HG Metal Manufacturing Ltd
Matrix Renewables to get 300 MW of Iberian solar projects from Alten
Matrix Renewables, the renewable energy platform backed by property manager TPG, has actually signed a bargain to acquire a 300-MW solar project portfolio in the Iberian Peninsula from Alten Renewable Energy.
Jun 15, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Spain, Portugal, Europe, solar projects, Matrix Renewables, Alten
Spanish clothing closes financing for 50MW PV
Watson Farley & Williams advised Cobra Concesiones on offer
Jun 15, 2021 // Plants, Markets & Finance News, Spain, Europe, PV Power Plant, Watson Farley & Williams, Cobra Concesiones
EGE Haina reduces ribbon on 120-MW solar farm in Dominican Republic
Dominican power producer Empresa Generadora de Electricidad Haina SA (EGE Haina) on Friday inaugurated its 120-MW Girasol solar farm in the home nation.
Jun 15, 2021 // Plants, Dominican Republic, North America, PV Power Plant, EGE Haina
Blue Elephant, companion to include over 300 MWp of solar in Germany
German solar and wind ranch operator Blue Elephant Energy AG claimed today it has protected land to build over 300 MWp of solar parks in Germany along with a veteran companion.
Jun 15, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Germany, Europe, PV Power Plant, blue elephant, Tim Kallas