TCI Unveils Game-Changing Hole Collecting Material for Perovskite Solar Cells

Feb 13, 2024 04:34 PM ET
  • Discover TCI's groundbreaking 3PATAT-C3, a high-performance hole collecting material that revolutionizes perovskite solar cells. Prepare for the future of renewable energy with TCI's range of cutting-edge materials.

Tokyo Chemical Industry (TCI) has launched a new high-performance hole collecting material (HCM) called 3PATAT-C3, which can enhance the performance of inverted perovskite solar cells. The material efficiently collects holes from the perovskite layer and has a strong binding to the ITO layer, high coverage ratio, and efficient charge recovery. TCI is currently preparing for large-scale supply of the material, which is now available in high purity. TCI offers a range of materials for the perovskite industry, including precursors, SAM forming agents, and hole transporting materials.

In 2022, TCI conducted an interview discussing their perovskite materials and their perspectives on the industry and market.

What is the new high-performance hole collecting material launched by TCI for perovskite solar cells?

  • TCI's new high-performance hole collecting material (HCM) for perovskite solar cells is called 3PATAT-C3.
  • The 3PATAT-C3 material enhances the performance of inverted perovskite solar cells.
  • It efficiently collects holes from the perovskite layer.
  • The material has a strong binding to the ITO layer.
  • It has a high coverage ratio, ensuring efficient charge recovery.
  • TCI is currently preparing for large-scale supply of the 3PATAT-C3 material.
  • The material is now available in high purity.
  • TCI offers a range of materials for the perovskite industry, including precursors, SAM forming agents, and hole transporting materials.
  • In 2022, TCI conducted an interview discussing their perovskite materials and their perspectives on the industry and market.