climate targets

Australia commits to greater 2030 emissions reduction target
Australia's new Labor government has actually increased the nation's 2030 emissions reduction target as it vowed to support the transition to renewables by purchasing transmission infrastructure and also energy storage.
Jun 16, 2022 // Plants, Markets & Finance News, Grids, Policy, Australia, AEMO, Oceania, policy, Emissions, climate targets, Anthony Albanese
'Much more powerful' hydrogen policies needed as world threats missing crucial opportunity, climate goals
Worldwide hydrogen uptake is far listed below what is called for under the Paris Agreement as well as underinvestment in the modern technology is a missed out on opportunity to decarbonise hard to mellow out industries of the international economy, according to run the risk of management carrier DNV.
Jun 14, 2022 // Manufacturing News, Storage, Policy, hydrogen, green hydrogen, dnv, green ammonia, climate targets, ammonia
China submits 'frustrating' NDC to the UN that devotes to 1.2 TW of renewables by 2030
China has today sent its highly expected as well as long waited for nationally determined contribution (NDC) to the United Nations that has dedicated to a renewable resource capacity of 1.2 TW by 2030.
Nov 1, 2021 // Markets & Finance News, China, Asia, cop26, United Nations, climate targets, ndc
United States needs to deploy 103GW of distributed solar by 2030 to hit environment targets, claims report
The US requires to deploy a minimum of 103GW of distributed solar as well as 137GW of dispersed energy storage by 2030 to achieve President Biden's climate objectives at the most affordable cost, according to a new report by Local Solar for All, a union of regional solar advocates.
Oct 8, 2021 // Markets & Finance News, USA, North America, distributed solar, Distributed Energy Resources, climate targets, distributed storage