baywa r.e.

BayWa r.e. braves bank-free, shorter-PPA approach with zero-subsidy sequel
To hear Dr Benedikt Ortmann tell it, the deployment of a subsidy-free solar successor to BayWa r.e.’s landmark 175MWp Don Rodrigo was nothing short of a foregone conclusion.
Sep 4, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Inverters, PPA, utility-scale PV, Europe, subsidy-free solar, Huawei, baywa r.e., Dr Benedikt Ortmann, Don Rodrigo, GCL modules
BayWa r.e., Statkraft team up for Spanish subsidy-free solar successor
Two sponsors of one of Spain’s iconic subsidy-free plants have sealed a deal to deploy a smaller successor in the same area, planned again without support from government money.
Aug 29, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Spain, pv power plants, solar pv, Europe, subsidy-free solar, baywa r.e., Dr Benedikt Ortmann