Zhiao Yu

New Battery Electrolyte That can Boost Performance of EVs
A group of researchers has designed a new lithium-based electrolyte, that they show can pave the way for the future generation of battery-powered EVs
Jul 6, 2020 // Technology, Storage, battery, electric vehicles, Zhiao Yu, Yi Cui, electrolyte, EVs, Innovation, EV Battery, Battery Electrolyte EVs, Zhenan Bao
Coating could lead to commercial lithium-metal batteries
A new coating developed by scientists at Stanford promises to bring lithium metal batteries ‘closer to reality’, by significantly extending their operational lifetime and limiting the occurrence of dendrites at the anode, which can cause short circuiting and fires.
Sep 3, 2019 // Technology, California, USA, battery, North America, Stanford University, SLAC, Lithium metal, Zhiao Yu, Yi Cui