Brexit cannot avert the ‘fundamental issue’ of energy transition, event told
Energy companies are lacking any kind of certainty over Brexit and how it will affect the sector, but cannot allow it to have any impact on the “fundamental issue” of climate change and the energy transition, some of Europe’s leading utilities have said.
Sep 19, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Policy, storage, UK, utilities, Europe, policy, Brexit, Emeka Chukwureh
An organic solar cell for indoor light
A Swedish-Chinese research team has developed an organic cell said to be ideal for wide use in daily life to power internet of things-enabled devices. The cell could be used to power sensors that detect and measure moisture, particle concentrations, temperature and other parameters indoors.
Sep 17, 2019 // Technology, USA, Sweden, UK, China, Europe, Asia, North America, Linköping University, Academy of Sciences, Jianhui Hou, organic solar cell
Brexit paralysis and lack of incentives leave community energy facing uphill struggle in the UK
The future benefits of technology such as smart meters and the associated aggregation of small scale generation are not being adequately rewarded, support for solar and wind is being cut off and parliament is fixated solely on one issue
Sep 16, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Policy, UK, Ofgem, Emma Bridge, Brexit, Ovo Energy, Patrick Allcorn
Wacker enters battery business with acquisition of 25% stake in Nexeon
The Munich-based chemical company has taken a substantial minority share in the British materials specialist to expand its silicon-based high-performance battery activity. The value of the transaction was not disclosed.
Sep 13, 2019 // Storage, Germany, UK, Europe, Wacker Chemie AG, Nexeon, Christian Hartel, Scott Brown
Discovery challenges accepted wisdom on organic PV
Researchers at the University of Warwick in the U.K. have made a discovery that could lead to new designs for organic PV devices. Their findings could open up a new range of materials for the electrode layer and bring low cost, flexible organic PV devices a step closer commercial reality, say the academics.
Sep 12, 2019 // Technology, UK, Europe, University of Warwick, flexible organic PV, Dinesha Dabera, Ross Hatton
ABB and Fimer respond to UK criticism of products and customer service
The inverter businesses have responded to the letter published by the UK Solar Trade Association which was critical of the former’s products and customer service record.
Sep 11, 2019 // Inverters, ABB, UK, Europe, Fimer, Mr Chris Hewett, Filippo Carzaniga
RES battery prevented complete blackout in the UK
On August 9, a thunderstorm caused 1.5 GW of generation capacity to go offline within seconds in the U.K. The incident caused millions of households to temporarily lose power but the situation could have been considerably worse if not for the country’s battery storage reserves.
Sep 9, 2019 // Storage, TESLA, UK, Australia, Europe, neoen, Oceania, RES battery
UNEP: Solar the star of a decade of ‘incredible’ renewables momentum
Solar PV has seen a “meteoric rise” over the past decade, with more capacity installed than any other power source, according to a new report by BloombergNEF and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Sep 9, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Germany, UK, China, Europe, Asia, bloomberg nef, unep, solar finance, development finance, reports, Inger Anderson
‘Energy storage is not enough, a renewables grid needs flexible gas back-up’
The managing director of London-based energy infrastructure company Statera has told pv magazine a clean energy grid in the U.K. will require as much flexible gas plant capacity as battery storage.
Sep 1, 2019 // Plants, Storage, Grids, storage, UK, Europe, flexible gas plant, Statera, Tom Vernon
Octopus adds 300,000 customers and launches community energy JV
Another large scale transaction by the electricity and gas supplier has enhanced its standing in the U.K. energy market, with the business now counting more than one million customers.
Sep 1, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, UK, Europe, London, Octopus Energy, Midcounties Co-operative, Co-op Energy, Phil Ponsonby
ReVision Energy installs 130.6-kW of rooftop solar for Boys & Girls Club
The Boys & Girls Club of Manchester has transitioned to solar energy. ReVision Energy installed 408 solar panels this summer on three rooftops, at the Union Street Clubhouse (81.3 kW) in Manchester, New Hampshire, and the Pool House and Stebbins Family Hall buildings at Camp Foster in Bedford (49.3 kW).
Aug 26, 2019 // Rooftop PV, UK, Europe, Boys & Girls Club of Manchester, ReVision Energy, rooftop solar, Diane Fitzpatrick
European subsidy-free markets have ‘developed rapidly’, investor says
One of Europe’s leading utility-scale solar investors has said that the continent’s subsidy-free solar market has “developed rapidly” in recent months.
Aug 22, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, UK, Europe, subsidy-free, Foresight Solar Fund, NextEnergy Solar Fund
Actis bags US$1.23bn for new clean energy investment fund
London-based renewables investor Actis has raised US$1.23 billion for a new investment fund destined for existing infrastructure assets in emerging markets, starting with its own 100MW PV plant in Chile.
Aug 20, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, UK, SunPower, Chile, PV plant, Engie Energía, London, Actis, ALLIF
UK energy company loses license over unpaid renewables obligations
URE Energy repeatedly missed deadlines to settle a £209,000 bill after it failed to source enough of the electricity it supplied two years ago from renewable generation.
Aug 16, 2019 // Plants, UK, Ofgem, URE Energy, ROCs, license, Eversmart Energy, Solarplicity
UK post-subsidy solar pipeline swells to 5GW
The UK’s post-subsidy large-scale solar pipeline has swelled to more than 5GW after a flurry of activity in the first half of 2019.
Aug 12, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, UK, Europe, post-subsidy solar, ground-mount, PERC panels, multi panels