Tom Vernon

Sungrow Expands UK Presence With 362 MW/391 MWh Storage Space Project For Statera
Energy storage space remains to grow for the top tier inverter firm. European countries, particularly the UK remain in the midst of a significant transition to renewables, and the demand for energy storage will certainly be robust for the foreseeable future.
Mar 29, 2022 // Storage, Sungrow, UK, Europe, Tom Vernon, frequency response
‘Energy storage is not enough, a renewables grid needs flexible gas back-up’
The managing director of London-based energy infrastructure company Statera has told pv magazine a clean energy grid in the U.K. will require as much flexible gas plant capacity as battery storage.
Sep 1, 2019 // Plants, Storage, Grids, storage, UK, Europe, flexible gas plant, Statera, Tom Vernon