
Coupling pumped hydro with renewables and other storage technologies
The combination of pumped hydro with other storage technologies can increase renewables penetration, improve operational safety and reduce maintenance costs at large-scale hydropower plants, according to new research. The study also focuses on techniques to determine the optimal size of renewables-based pumped hydro storage systems. Costs for hybrid solar-pumped hydro projects currently range from $0.098/kWh to $1.36/kWh.
Dec 5, 2019 // Technology, Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Sweden, Poland, Europe, shanghai, Jiao Tong University, pumped hydro, Mälardalen University, AGH University of Science and Technology
Ikea puts aside €200m for carbon-positive vision
The furniture brand has touted its plan for a sustainable future before. Now, ahead of the COP25 climate change conference, Ikea says it will spend €200 million improving raw material sourcing and realizing 100% clean energy supply for its production operations.
Nov 27, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Sweden, Europe, ikea, Torbjörn Lööf
The biggest solar farm is Sweden developed by the cooperative association
Sweden is actively pursuing the goal of totally renewable power in twenty years’ time.
Nov 26, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Residential, Sweden, Europe, HSB
Innovative ‘light harvesting material’ will be produced at a new Swedish factory
Sweden-based solar maker Exeger is building a new factory to manufacture an advanced dye-sensitized material, which is supposed to allow solar-powered portable e-gadgets to operate infinitely with no need for battery recharge.
Nov 21, 2019 // Technology, Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, ABB, Sweden, Europe, Exeger
EU to help anchor lower price for floating solar power
The Fresher project, funded by the EU’s European Maritime and Fishery Fund, aims to develop better and cheaper mooring and anchoring systems for floating solar. The initiative is backed by Portugal utility EDP, which has recently begun to install floating projects.
Nov 15, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Floating PV, Spain, Sweden, floating PV, Europe, EMFF, utility EDP, João Maciel
What is wrong with Fe photovoltaic cells
Scientists at Swedish Lund University are exploring the process due to which about a third of Fe-based solar cells’ energy is wasted. Identifying the way charge loss happens, they insist, is going to be the initial move toward solving the problem and creating high-efficiency photovoltaic cells of cheap and available material.
Nov 14, 2019 // Technology, Sweden, Europe, PV cells, Lund University
When are solar panels acceptable on historic buildings?
A study from Sweden seeks to consider how PV could be sympathetically installed on historic buildings. The researchers propose a target-based approach for assessing panel visibility.
Oct 30, 2019 // Plants, Residential, Sweden, Solar Panels, Europe
Swedish Solar Expo touts solar and hydrogen community project
Where seasonal storage is paramount, hydrogen comes into play. Under-the-radar solar market Sweden has presented its hydrogen projects and technological solutions to overcome the country’s natural solar barriers.
Oct 30, 2019 // Technology, Markets & Finance News, Sweden, Europe, hydrogen, hydrogen projects, Joan Carlehed, Hans Olof Nilson, Susanné Wallner, Johanna Lakso
New aluminum batteries for renewables storage
The devices, developed by a European research team, are said to have twice the energy density of conventional aluminum devices. The scientists used a cathode made of anthraquinone, instead of one based on graphene, increasing energy density.
Sep 30, 2019 // Technology, Storage, storage, Sweden, Europe, Aluminum, Slovenia, Chlorine, Patrik Johansson
Is This The Next Big Thing In Solar?
Solar power installations out in the open are a common sight in many parts of the world, but how about household solar generators? A team of Swedish and Chinese scientists recently reported this might become part of our future after they successfully converted indoor light to electricity using organic photovoltaic cells.
Sep 27, 2019 // Technology, Sweden, China, Europe, Asia, Jianhui Hou, OPV cells, Jonas Bergqvist
Solar, renewables and hydrogen for greener marine transport
A new report in Sweden suggests that renewables are an ideal source of power for marine vessels, based on a case study in which solar PV and proton-exchange membrane fuel cells, combined with a diesel generator, were used to reduce the greenhouse gas and particulate emissions of cruise ships by almost 10%
Sep 20, 2019 // Technology, Transport, Solar to Fuel, Sweden, Europe, Solar to Fuel, Solar to Hydrogen, Producing Hydrogen, Hydrogen from renewable, Renewable fuels
An organic solar cell for indoor light
A Swedish-Chinese research team has developed an organic cell said to be ideal for wide use in daily life to power internet of things-enabled devices. The cell could be used to power sensors that detect and measure moisture, particle concentrations, temperature and other parameters indoors.
Sep 17, 2019 // Technology, USA, Sweden, UK, China, Europe, Asia, North America, Linköping University, Academy of Sciences, Jianhui Hou, organic solar cell
Sweden increases budget for solar incentives by $48m
Funding for the rebate scheme had already been increased in April. Overall, the budget for this year now amounts to almost $125 million.
Sep 13, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Sweden, Andreas Thorsheim
Midsummer begins trading for new green bond listed at Nasdaq Stockholm
Midsummer rang the opening bell at Nasdaq Stockholm on Thursday, with the solar energy technology company signaling the start of trading for its new green bond.
Aug 23, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Sweden, Europe, green bond, midsummer, Sven Lindström
SibFU scientists discovered material that can make solar cells more efficient
Researchers at Siberian Federal University, together with colleagues from the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden), discovered new properties of material based on palladium, which can increase the performance of solar cells.
Aug 5, 2019 // Technology, Manufacturing News, Solar, Solar to Fuel, Sweden, SibFU, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, solar cells, palladium, Artem Kuklin, Europe, hydrogen, Solar to Fuel, Solar to Hydrogen, Producing Hydrogen, Hydrogen from renewable, Renewable fuels