The biggest solar farm is Sweden developed by the cooperative association

Nov 26, 2019 01:51 PM ET
  • Sweden is actively pursuing the goal of totally renewable power in twenty years’ time.

The leading Swedish cooperative housing association HSB is constructing the biggest solar farm in the country. The solar field will comprise 50 thousand PV modules. 

The member entities in Sörmland County will get an opportunity to obtain shares in the farm located next to the Stockholm Ring Road. The project is being deployed within the framework of the country’s ambition to achieve totally renewable power in 20 years. 

According to the developer, the new solar facility will provide a dual benefit: on the one hand, the coop members will get affordable electricity; on the other hand, this will considerably support the global shift toward renewable power.

The project deployment is scheduled to start in March 2020. The biggest Swedish solar farm will be constructed on the 45-ha area. The total capacity of the park is estimated as 18 thousand megawatt-hours, which is sufficient to cover nine-tenths of the cooperative’s demand. The coop consists of 4 thousand housing associations, constituting 340 thousand apartments with 624 thousand individual members. 

HSB began investing in renewables in 2016 by installing photovoltaic panels on the cooperative’s own rental buildings. However, the opportunities for rooftop-mount PV modules are limited. So the Swedish hosing coop is pursuing the goal by creating a huge solar farm. 

The housing association is intended to decrease its environmental impact by three-fourths in four years. The ten year target is bringing its harmful impact on the climate close to zero.
