
SunPeak installs Pennsylvania's biggest roof solar project
Ashley Furniture Industries devoted to a multi-phase initiative last year to decrease the business's power impact, and finished a 28,776 roof-mounted solar panel system on its Leesport, Pennsylvania advanced production and circulation facility. The range will create more than 9,630,600 kWh of electrical power each year, roughly comparable to the power eaten by 786 average American houses in a year.
Oct 28, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Rooftop PV, USA, rooftop PV, Pennsylvania, North America, SunPeak, Ashley Furniture Industries, Todd Wanek, Tim Paap, Ron Wanek
SunPeak counts on Schletter placing options for 2-MW solar project on retired crushed rock pit
On the grounds of a retired crushed rock pit near Chicago, a 2-MW solar project sustained by Schletter's FS Duo installing system was created and also set up by SunPeak.
Mar 4, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Chicago, SunPeak, Fabian Huber