Jutta Trube

German PV equipment suppliers record climbing order consumption
German manufacturers of solar tools announced raising incoming orders in Q3 2020, according to the market association VDMA Photovoltaik Produktionsmittel. Inbound orders in the 3rd quarter reached the degree of the start of the year. This fad complied with that of the whole mechanical and also plant design sector.
Dec 4, 2020 // Manufacturing News, Germany, Europe, Jutta Trube
German PV manufacturing tools suppliers see worst sales slump since market hit rock bottom
Industry body the VDMA stated company fell 55% from the final three months of in 2015 to the very first quarter of this year for the most awful resort since 2012. The nature of the order book and sales numbers can both be clarified by the international progression of Covid-19, according to the organization.
Jun 25, 2020 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, Malaysia, Germany, China, Europe, Asia, Jutta Trube, North America, covid-19, United States
German industry body calls for 5 GW cell manufacturing fab in Europe
The VDMA says Europe can restart a solar production sector that can compete on price with Chinese imports by reducing transport costs – provided a Euro supply chain can be established.
Aug 14, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Germany, China, Europe, VDMA, Jutta Trube, Von Der Leyen