
Fabric-based solar cells on the horizon
New textile-based solar cells developed by Fraunhofer researchers, semitrailers could soon be producing the electricity needed to power cooling systems or other onboard equipment. In short, textile-based solar cells could soon be adding a whole new dimension to photovoltaics, complementing the use of conventional silicon-based solar cells.
Aug 5, 2019 // Technology, Manufacturing News, Solar, Germany, Fraunhofer, textile-based solar cells, Europe
German investor scoops up 6.5MW of distributed solar in El Salvador
A German player has become the owner of a distributed solar pipeline in El Salvador, laying the groundwork for construction to launch later this year.
Aug 2, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Germany, El Salvador, MPC Capital, Hamburg, PV plant, Geo Ingeniería, Europe, North America, Costa Rica
WoodMac: APAC renewables to outcompete coal within eight years
Indian and Australian solar will spearhead a grid parity shift set to take hold of Asia-Pacific renewables within less than a decade, according to Wood Mackenzie.
Jul 29, 2019 // Solar, Germany, China, Indian, Australia, LCOEs, Asia-Pacific, McKinsey, Europe, Asia, Oceania
Reform power billing or risk hindering clean energy, Spain told
Spain has an opportunity in its upcoming reform of electricity charging to clear hurdles for self-consumption and electric vehicles (EVs), according to national PV body UNEF.
Jul 22, 2019 // Tariffs, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, France, Greece, Germany, UNEF, UK, Italy, CNMC, Europe