
100-MW Texas solar project using Erthos ground surface area mounts
Erthos, the maker of Earth Mount Solar PV, a solar mounting option that safeguards panels flat to the ground, signed a contract with Industrial Sun for a utility-scale solar project in Texas. Although the specific size of the plant has not yet been disclosed, Erthos has actually exposed that the project surpasses 100 MWDC.
Dec 9, 2022 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, USA, North America, Solar Project, Erthos
Erthos flat solar ground-mounts under contract for 14 MW of projects
Erthos, a solar mounting company concentrating on protecting panels flat on the ground, has been contracted for 14 MW of PV projects and remains in negotiations for an added 107-MWDC project. Maryland-based community solar developer Chaberton Energy is among five service providers dealing with Erthos.
Nov 1, 2022 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Erthos, Stefano Ratti, Russ Phillips