David Gahl

New york city launches 5th annual solicitation for large-scale renewables projects
New York Guv Andrew Cuomo has actually claimed more than 20 large-scale renewables projects will certainly be incomplete in the state this year, as he revealed its latest tidy energy solicitation.
Apr 27, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, USA, New York, NYSERDA, ENERGY STORAGE, Andrew Cuomo, North America, CS Energy, David Gahl, renewables procurement
NJ Clean Energy Equity Act passes us senate, low-income neighborhoods established for solar advantage
New Jersey's State Senate has passed the Clean Energy Equity Act, a Bill which can bring thousands of megawatts of solar to low-income families in the state.
Nov 17, 2020 // Policy, USA, New Jersey, North America, Clean Energy Equity Act, David Gahl