
Solar-Bitcoin Convergence
Solar energy and cryptocurrency, on first glance these two fields look vastly different. But on closer inspection, we can spot a lot that is common and analyze how both domains converge in various aspects.
Feb 22, 2021 // Technology, Software, Blockchain, mining, Bitcoin, lithium batteries, Solar-Bitcoin
Pairing Solar with Crypto to earn more
In the realm of cryptocurrency, a growing trend is linking up the energy requirements for the mining operation with renewable sources of electricity generation to obtain more profitability. Mining cryptocurrency is greatly influenced by the source as well as the cost of electricity as this determines the potential profit margins.
Feb 17, 2021 // Technology, Software, Blockchain, mining, Bitcoin, Crypto
The Connection Between Solar and Bitcoin
Bitcoin and the solar energy industry are increasingly intertwined. For instance, buying solar panels with bitcoins is becoming easier. Several businesses, such as, AM Solar, and Spendabit, offer complete solar panel kits and accept bitcoin as payment.
Sep 23, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, SEIA, Australia, Oceania, Bitcoin, Laurent Schmitt, Power Ledger