Perovskite Solar Cells: Improved Efficiency with Aluminium Coating

Sep 25, 2023 01:28 PM ET
  • Discover how a new nanoscale coating of aluminum oxide on metal halide perovskite significantly improves energy output of perovskite solar cells, bringing us closer to global net zero targets. Researchers from University of Surrey, University of Warwick and UNSW explain.

Researchers from the University of Surrey, the University of Warwick and the University of New South Wales have developed a nanoscale “ink” coating of aluminum oxide on metal halide perovskite that stabilizes the drop in energy output commonly seen with perovskite technology. The aluminum oxide coating is designed to increase wettability and enhance carrier lifetimes in perovskite solar cells. The researchers have shown that their nano-oxide coating allows for a uniform coating of perovskite material on highly promising organic molecules that improve device output and could help countries around the world reach their net zero targets faster.

How Can Perovskite Solar Cells Reach Net Zero Faster?

  • The nano-oxide coating allows for a more efficient application of perovskite material on organic molecules, which increases the device output.
  • The nanoscale coating increases wettability and carrier lifetime in perovskite solar cells, allowing for more efficient energy output.
  • The improved device output could help countries around the world reach their net zero targets faster.
  • The research team suggests that the aluminum oxide coating could eventually be applied to other photovoltaic materials, such as silicon and quantum dots, to further increase device efficiency.
  • The team is also looking into ways to further improve the nano-oxide coating, such as by adding other materials, to increase performance even more.

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