South Africa plans to allocate at least 6 GW of large scale solar by 2030
That would take the country to 8.28 GW of generation capacity by the end of the next decade with the government stating up to 6 GW of small scale capacity could be required on top. By that stage, however, coal would still amount to 43% of generation capacity and gas and diesel a combined 8.1%, under the new Integrated Resource Plan.
Oct 21, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, UTILITY-SCALE SOLAR, Africa
PV performance projections for the 21st century
A study has divided the world into 12 climate zones on the basis of the Köppen–Geiger classification map. The paper confirmed Chile’s Atacama region has the world’s highest solar radiation but also showed the region with the highest performance ratio for PV systems was near Moscow.
Oct 21, 2019 // Solar, Chile, South america, Europe, Slovenia, Moscow, University of Ljubljana
Bangladeshi industrial sector embraces leasing model for solar rooftops
The affordable public financing packages on offer for solar rooftops are attracting developers who have clients happy to lease out roofspace without any capital outlay in order to secure cheaper power.
Oct 21, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Rooftop PV, Bangladesh, Asia, SREDA, Siddique Zobair, Nahid Hasan, Infrastructure Development Company Ltd, Ahmed Imtiaz, Sharp Solar Solution Asia Ltd, Exelon Bangladesh Ltd
UK Government comes around on grid storage planning
In January, the U.K. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy opened consultation on its solar-plus-storage proposals. To date, systems with a capacity bigger than 50 MW are classed Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects.
Oct 21, 2019 // Storage, storage, NSIP, UK, Europe, solar-plus-storage, Chris Hewett
Commercial rooftops will lead renewables growth in the next five years
Although the International Energy Agency’s latest renewables report forecasts impressive solar growth there is still a nagging feeling it has produced conservative estimates and the emphasis on sharing costs with grid operators is predictable.
Oct 21, 2019 // Commercial, Residential, Rooftop PV, USA, Australia, Europe, rooftop PV, Oceania, Netherlands, Belgium, North America, Austria, IEA
Virginia inks 345MW PV deal with Dominion Energy
The government of Virginia has signed a deal with local utility Dominion Energy for 345MW of solar and 75MW of onshore wind energy to power government buildings and facilities
Oct 21, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, USA, Virginia, Dominion Energy, power purchase agreement, North America, Ralph Northam
France powers up Europe’s self-styled largest floating PV project
Top French state officials have helped cut the red ribbon of a floating solar plant that is being touted as Europe’s largest, a project delivered by Paris headquartered Akuo Energy.
Oct 21, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Policy, Floating PV, France, floating PV, Europe, Elisabeth Borne, akuo, Ciel & Terre, ciel et terre, Brune Poirson
Brazilian PV outcompetes all in auction debut alongside non-renewables
A bullish Brazilian PV market has marked its latest milestone this year, becoming the cheapest electricity source of an auction it was allowed to enter for the first time this month.
Oct 21, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, South america, auctions, Brazil, jair bolsonaro, tenders
German Greens call for larger PV auctions as tariffs drop below 5-cent-per-kWh mark
Germany is crippling solar’s ability to produce large volumes of ever-cheaper electricity even as it retains too-large tenders for wind that end in undersubscription, the country’s Greens have said.
Oct 21, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, Germany, tender, Europe, auction, tariffs
Dept. of Energy Secretary Rick Perry to resign at end of year
Secretary Perry informed President Trump yesterday that he will resign from his position, effective later this year. Perry released a message to DOE employees stating that he had “the coolest job in the world” as Secretary of the department.
Oct 20, 2019 // Policy, USA, Trump, North America, Rick Perry, Dan Brouillette
Pittsburgh International Airport’s microgrid will use 20-MW solar array
Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) is planning to be wholly powered by solar power and natural gas microgrid. For the first time in the United States, a major airport will be completely powered by its own microgrid with the use of its own on-site natural gas wells and a solar array.
Oct 20, 2019 // Grids, USA, North America, microgrid, Pittsburgh International Airport, Rich Fitzgerald, Christina Cassotis, Nick DeIuliis, CNX Resources
The weekend read: A bump in the road for pay-as-you-go solar and self-sustainability
Two high-profile bankruptcies this year could serve as a warning for the potential pitfalls of pay-as-you-go solar. However, Marcus Wiemann and David Lecoque of the Alliance for Rural Electrification say such business models can lead to long-term success and have a key role to play in providing power to the 1 billion people throughout the world who still live without electricity.
Oct 20, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Mobisol, Solarkiosk, Marcus Wiemann, David Lecoque
Tesla gigafactory orders see LG Chem supplant BYD as third biggest global battery supplier
The Chinese e-mobility company has been hammered since Beijing’s abrupt reduction of electric vehicle subsidies in the summer. Korean outfit LG Chem’s shipment volumes have gone in the opposite direction.
Oct 20, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Storage, Transport, storage, LG CHEM, TESLA, China, Asia, BYD, CATL
Sub-standard PV equipment worries Bangladeshi solar developers
Visitors to this year’s Solar Bangladesh Expo have called for the implementation of quality standards on solar imports – action which the government is currently pursuing – with one industry insider rubbishing Indian-made products.
Oct 20, 2019 // Solar, India, Bangladesh, Asia, Shamim Ahsan, Nuher L Khan, Joules Power Ltd, Debdeep Majumdar
Ukraine solar industry poised between optimism and fears of FIT renegotiation
Ukrainian energy market reforms are continuing and amid uncertainty about future auction mechanisms and prices, attendees at the SEF Kyiv sustainable energy forum again called out the government for dragging its heels on the legislation. However, there was also evident optimism at the show.
Oct 20, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Ukraine, Europe, Vitaliy Tymoshchenko, Philipp Leckebusch, DTEK Renewables, Narek Tunyan, Recom
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