Eurotron MWT cell equipment in mass production at Sunport Power’s facility in China

Aug 8, 2019 05:10 PM ET
Eurotron MWT cell equipment in mass production at Sunport Power’s facility in China
Image: PV Tech
Back-contact module manufacturing equipment supplier Eurotron said its previous MWT (Metal Wrap Through) order from China-based PV module manufacturer, Sunport Power had been installed, qualified and begun volume production.

Eurotron secured a major order from Sunport Power in May, 2019.
Eurotron told PV Tech that each installed line had a capacity of 90 modules per hour, equivalent to 240MWp annual production, although dependent on the cell conversion efficiency ratings.

The company said that Sunport Power’s production plants in Nanjing, Pizhou and Wuxi were currently producing an annual 5 million solar panels with nameplate capacity of 1.7GWp per annum. 

Dr. Fengming Zhang, the President and CEO of Sunport Power said, “With the stable and flexible Eurotron equipment we are able to produce full and half-cell modules [with] outstanding performance.”

Eurotron told PV Tech that Sunport Power could be using its equipment for module configurations of 60 and 72 cell, with the ability to use full 6” wafers as well as options such as hexagonal shaped solar cells.

Bram Verschoor, Commercial Director of Eurotron added, “We are proud of our partnership with Sunport Power, who is a leading company in the field of back-contact solar modules. Together we make a difference, providing Sunport Power’s clients with the highest quality in PV modules. We look forward to contribute to further expansions in the near future.”