Solar Technology & PV R&D News

Perovskite solar cells from the slot die coater represent a step towards industrial production
Steel halide perovskites are taken into consideration to be a specifically affordable and also appealing course of products for next-generation solar components. Perovskite solar cells can be produced with finishing processes making use of liquid inks made from forerunner materials and different solvents. After finish, the solvents evaporate as well as the perovskites crystallize to create a more or less homogeneous layer.
Mar 17, 2023 // Technology, Berlin, perovskite solar cells, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Eva Unger, Helmholtz-Zentrum
EU Poised to Stake Claim in Clean-Tech Race, Pushing Back at US
Commission to unveil plans to enhance domestic green market Analysts reveal problem over plans' performance, protectionism
Mar 16, 2023 // Technology, USA, China, Asia, North America, European Union
First totally roll-to-roll printable perovskite solar cell
Swansea University has established an affordable as well as scalable carbon ink formulation with the ability of unlocking, for the very first time, the possibility for perovskite solar cells to be manufactured at scale.
Mar 16, 2023 // Technology, solar cell, perovskite, Trystan Watson, Swansea University, David Beynon
Built Robotics develops automated pile driver for large-scale solar building
Built Robotics, construction freedom company and developer of the Exosystem, has actually developed RPD 35, a fully-autonomous solar stacking system. RPD 35 is created to install utility-scale solar foundations much faster than manual, typical ways.
Mar 15, 2023 // Technology, Built Robotics
Ascent Solar Technologies repurposes its solar center to progress perovskite solar commercialization
Ascent Solar Technologies, an U.S. maker of lightweight, flexible and durable CIGS thin-film photovoltaic (PV) remedies, has announced that it has actually appointed its Thornton production center as a Perovskite Center of Excellence (COE). Reliable immediately, the facility will be committed to the industrial commercialization of Ascent's patent-pending perovskite solar technologies that are supposedly demonstrating laboratory performances over 20%.
Mar 14, 2023 // Technology, perovskite, Ascent Solar Technologies
Scientists develop method to decrease the formation of anions vacancy defects in halide perovskite solar cells
Researchers at China's Shaanxi Regular University and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have actually designed a novel approach to reduce the formation of anions vacancy defects in halide perovskite solar cells. The team reported that the new strategy leads to greater performance and impressive stability.
Mar 14, 2023 // Technology, China, Asia, Chinese Academy of Sciences, perovskite solar cells, Shaanxi Normal University
Green Li-ion Secures $20.5 Million for Battery Recycling Technology
The investment backers included venture capital firm TRIREC, solar company Banpu NEXT as well as power firm Equinor Ventures. The technology can process 4-6 metric lots of disposed of batteries on a daily basis.
Mar 14, 2023 // Technology, Markets & Finance News, Storage, lithium-ion battery recycling, Equinor Ventures, Banpu NEXT, GLMC technology, Green Li-ion, Leon Farrant, Melvyn Yeo, pCAM, pre-series B funding, precursor cathode active material, recycling technology, Sinon Vongkusolkit, Trirec
Belectric bags 150-MWp solar O&M handle England
The British unit of German solar programmer Belectric has been chosen to provide procedures as well as maintenance (O&M) solutions for an over 150-MWp portfolio of solar parks in the UK.
Mar 13, 2023 // Technology, Plants, Belectric, England
Researchers make use of Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites for improved solar cells
Scientists China's Zhengzhou University, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have made a solar cell based on low-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper (LPDR) perovskite that is said to have improved provider transport residential properties.
Mar 13, 2023 // Technology, solar cells, perovskite, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS, China', Zhengzhou University,, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Reducing nonradiative recombination in perovskite solar cells with a porous insulator contact
A research team led by Prof. Xu Jixian from the University of Science and also Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) developed and fashioned a novel porous insulator contact (PIC) for perovskite solar cells. The PIC alleviated the non-radiative fee recombination result and also the matching solar cell accomplished a performance of up to 25.5%. The research was published in Science.
Mar 13, 2023 // Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, perovskite solar cells, Xu Jixian
Researchers develop perovskite-based memristors that are much more powerful and simpler to make
The human brain can easily process complex sensory information and also gain from experiences, while a computer can not. As well as, the brain does all this by consuming less than half as much energy as a laptop.
Mar 9, 2023 // Technology, Manufacturing News, perovskite, EMPA, ETH Zurich, Politecnico di Milano
Scientists establish method to stabilize 3D/2D perovskites for far better solar cells
Scientists at Huazhong University of Science and also Technology, Wuhan University of Technology as well as University of Toronto lately introduced a new strategy for producing more stable 3D/2D heterostructures, avoiding their destruction. Their approach is based on the intro of an added layer in between the structures; 3D as well as 2D perovskite layers.
Mar 9, 2023 // Technology, solar cells, perovskite, efficiency, University of Toronto, Wuhan University of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Jan de Nul, DEME, Tractebel launch offshore PV project
Seavolt is a floating solar array that can hold up against harsh conditions according to the trio
Mar 8, 2023 // Technology, Floating PV, Tractebel, DEME, Jan de Nul
A method to support 3D/2D perovskite heterostructures for solar cells
Hybrid perovskite solar cells (PSCs) constructed from organic and also inorganic products are highly promising energy services that can help to decrease carbon emissions worldwide. In the last few years, these cells' power-conversion efficiencies (PCEs) have actually improved substantially, ultimately surpassing 25%.
Mar 8, 2023 // Technology, solar cells, perovskite, University of Toronto, Wuhan University of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Researchers check out perovskite solar cells' toxicity as well as suggest risks may be overestimated
Scientists from Skoltech (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and also Medicinal Chemistry and also Zhengzhou Research Institute of HIT have examined the toxicity of materials used in perovskite solar cells.
Mar 6, 2023 // Technology, Skoltech, perovskite solar cells, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry, Zhengzhou Research Institute of HIT