Solar Energy Storage and Battery News

Kansai Electric Power and Power Ledger extend cooperation
Japan’s electric utility KEPCO prolongs a trial project with Australia’s peer-to-peer energy trading company Power Ledger. The project is meant for tracking RECs and ptp trading power generated by solar plants.
Dec 13, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Japan, Australia, Asia, Oceania, KEPCO, Power Ledger
Next-generation light-weight, flexible and long-lasting batts
A group of Korean researchers, headed by Prof Soojin Park, has created foldable batts with thin 3D organic electrodes.
Dec 13, 2019 // Technology, Storage, Asia, Korea, flexible, Soojin Park
BMW strikes five-year lithium deal for electrical car batteries
German high-end auto giant BMW said Wednesday it had struck a deal with a Chinese supplier covering all of its own lithium needs for electric car batteries for the forthcoming five years.
Dec 12, 2019 // Storage, Transport, BMW, Germany, China, Europe, Asia, Ganfeng Lithium
Tunisia-based 5 MW solar facility supplemented with 2.2 MW of storage
Major Italy-based oil and gas producer has completed an off-grid solar-plus-storage project in Tunisia. Earlier, it commissioned a similar 10-megawatt installation in Pakistan. The Tunisian project was deployed in collaboration with local state-owned ETAP.
Dec 12, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Grids, solar-plus-storage, Tunisia, Africa, Eni
Crystallographic defects can improve battery performance
A group of researchers from Rice University of Texas have found out that introducing antisite defects into lithium iron phosphate lattice makes the roads for lithium ion broader.
Dec 12, 2019 // Technology, Storage, USA, North America, Rice University of Texas
Mitsubishi Motors unveils solar system, battery storage project in Japan
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (TYO:7211) on Wednesday unveiled a project to build a rooftop solar array and a battery energy storage system (BESS) at its manufacturing plant in Okazaki city, Japan.
Dec 12, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Japan, Asia, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation
The first civil e-plane gets off the ground in Canada
The first civil fully electric airplane in the world was piloted in Vancouver a month ago.
Dec 11, 2019 // Storage, Transport, Canada, North America, electric airplane, Greg McDougall
Battery Pack Prices Fall As Market Ramps Up With Market Average At $156/kWh In 2019
Dec 11, 2019 // Storage, Market Research, storage, BNEF, BloombergNEF, Battery prices
New membrane technology to boost water purification and energy storage
Imperial College London scientists have created a new type of membrane that could improve water purification and battery energy storage efforts.
Dec 11, 2019 // Technology, Storage, water, London, Imperial Colleg, battery energy, Nafion, Qilei Song, Neil McKeown, Rui Tan, Nigel Brandon
Canada's Nova Scotia wants solar-and-storage on brownfield sites
The province's Alternative Energy Resource Authority is seeking proposals for three utility scale PV projects varying in generation capacity from 800 kW to 4 MW. Two of these must be combined with large scale batteries with a total storage capacity of around 2.4 MWh
Dec 10, 2019 // Storage, Canada, North America, Nova Scotia, solar-and-storage, AREA
Solar to the fore as Athens Airport announces plan for net zero carbon ground operations by 2025
Greece’s largest international airport has set a goal to operate as a net zero carbon emitter by 2025, mainly via investing in on-site solar. Should the goal be met, the airport will be Europe’s first to rely on self-generated electricity and operate with net zero emissions.
Dec 10, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Policy, Greece, solar pv, Europe, AIA, Olivier Jankovec
Oman reveals bidders in 146 megawatt solar-diesel-storage tender
The state-owned Rural Areas Electricity Company wants to build 11 Solar-diesel-storage projects in remote rural locations. Pre-qualified bidders in the tender comprise Engie, Canadian Solar, Akuo, Longi, Jinko, GCL, Abengoa, Total and Belectric.
Dec 10, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Canadian Solar, Engie, Asia, akuo, LONGi, Jinko, GCL, Oman, shell, Solar-diesel-storage, Abengoa, Total and Belectric
Europe approves $3.2 billion to support battery R&D
The European Commission has approved use of capital given by seven member nations to back Europe-wide R&D projects across the lithium-ion battery value chain, with the purpose of possibly unlocking an extra $5 billion in private sector investment
Dec 10, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Europe, lithium-ion battery
Akuo bags 6-MW energy storage project in Tonga
French renewable energy producer Akuo Energy said Friday it has secured a contract to construct in Tonga a power storage system with a capacity of 23.4 MWh/6 MW.
Dec 9, 2019 // Storage, France, Europe, Oceania, Akuo Energy, Tonga
India holds a tender for hybrid and photovoltaic projects, with 1.2 gigawatts of capacity each
Indian SECI is going to conclude 25-year-valid PPAs for solar and hybrid ventures. The developers can choose where in India the facilities will be built, owned and operated.
Dec 9, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, India, SECI, Asia