Solar Commercial Plants News

Tenders Issued for Solar Plants for Agro-PV-Concept at NISE Gurugram
NISE has issued a tender for the commissioning of the 30 kWp solar PV power plant at the NISE Campus in Gurugram.
Jan 31, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, pv power plants, tender, Asia, Gurugram, NISE
BHEL Tenders for O&M of 1.7 MW Solar Plant in MP
BHEL has issued a tender for undertaking the O&M of a 1.7 MW solar power plant in Bina, Madhya Pradesh.
Jan 31, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, O&M, tender, Asia, bhel
US Solar Fund buys 177MWdc porfolio from Heelstone
US Solar Fund has bought a 177MWdc portfolio of 22 operating utility-scale power projects in North Carolina, Oregon and California from Heelstone Renewable Energy.
Jan 30, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, USA, pv power plants, solar pv, utility-scale, North America, heelstone renewable energy
Bluefield splashes £13.9 million on 13.5MWp of UK solar
Bluefield Solar Income Fund (BSIF) has made its first move of the year with the acquisition of three operational UK solar farms
Jan 30, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, UK, Europe, utility scale, renewables, Subsidy Free, Bluefield, Grid Scale, Ground-Mount Solar
Gresham targets subsidy-free solar with latest Anesco acquisition
Gresham House is targeting subsidy-free solar with the acquisition of the Bumpers solar farm from developer Anesco.
Jan 30, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, UK, solar pv, Europe, utility scale, renewables, Anesco, Subsidy Free, Gresham House
Tender for 5 MW Solar Plant on RESCO Model Issued in Noida
The New Okhla Industrial Development Authority has issued a tender for the commissioning of 5 MW solar PV plant on the RESCO model in Noida
Jan 30, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, India, tender, Asia, NCR, Noida, RESCO
Madhya Pradesh Tenders for Rooftop Solar Projects With Storage Systems
MPUVNL has issued an RfP for the commissioning of grid-connected and off-grid rooftop solar projects in Madhya Pradesh along with Battery Storage
Jan 30, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Rooftop PV, India, Asia, rooftop PV, MPUVNL
CSPDCL announces tender for rooftop PV project development
Indian DisCom Chhattisgarh State Power has announced a competitive bidding for development of grid-connected rooftop-mount solar systems according to Capital expenditure model.
Jan 29, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Rooftop PV, India, Asia, rooftop PV, Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Ltd, CSPDCL
NTPC to provide consultancy for solar development in Togo
Indian electric utility company NTPC is appointed a PMC for installation of approximately 283 megawatts of Togo-based PV capacity.
Jan 29, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, NTPC, Asia, Africa, Togo, ISA
Testing floating PV with tracking systems
French water management agency Société du Canal de Provence (SCP) is planning an innovative floating project to test its combination with a solar tracking system. The 250 kW project was awarded a fixed tariff in a special tender for innovative PV projects held by The French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) in February 2018. The plant will be deployed on a water surface managed by SCP in Southern France.
Jan 29, 2020 // Technology, Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Floating PV, France, tender, floating PV, Europe, SCP
Mumbai utility picks Adani for 700MW of solar-wind hybrid capacity
Major Indian PV developer Adani Green Energy has won 700MW of solar-wind hybrid capacity from the utility Adani Electricity Mumbai Limited (AEML) to be built in the western state of Maharashtra, according to a Bombay Stock Exchange filing.
Jan 29, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, AEML, hybrid, Asia, MERC, solar wind hybrid
DEF to develop two new solar parks in Florida
Florida’s electric power company has disclosed where its new PV stations will be located. The systems are meant to supply green power to Floridian consumers.
Jan 28, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, USA, PV plants, Duke Energy, Florida, North America
Total taps French regional bank to refinance 143MW wind, PV portfolio
Total Quadran has enlisted a French financier to pump new capital into an up-and-running renewable energy portfolio, split between 40-plus projects across the country.
Jan 28, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, France, pv power plants, solar pv, Europe, Total, refinancing
Japan awards just 39.8MW in fifth solar auction
Japan has awarded just 39.8MW of PV capacity in its fifth solar auction, despite there being more than 416MW initially on offer.
Jan 28, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, Japan, Asia, auction, tariff, METI
NextEra upbeat on solar grid parity, standalone storage prospects
New-build solar and wind could outcompete most existing fossil fuels by 2025, NextEra Energy executives have predicted even as they described storage-only ventures as a worthy venture.
Jan 28, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, USA, pv power plants, solar pv, solar-plus-storage, BESS, North America, NextEra, Jim Robo