ZIMBABWE: Cement producer PPC to develop solar energy plant of 32 MWp
- In Zimbabwe, Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) has chosen a company to develop and operate a 32 MWp photovoltaic solar energy plant in Colleen Bawn, in the Matabeleland South Province. Fifty percent of the electrical energy generated will be utilized to power PPC's centers and also the other half will certainly be fed into Zimbabwe's nationwide power grid.

PPC will certainly generate electricity for its centers and also the Zimbabwean power grid. It is the purpose of a solar task of the sub-regional concrete manufacturer Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) which will certainly soon enter its building and construction phase. For the time being, the company based in Johannesburg, South Africa, is working on the monetary mobilisation for the building of the 32 MWp solar power plant near the town of Colleen Bawn, in the Matabeleland South Province.
Following a require tenders which saw the engagement of 38 local, local and European business, PPC picked a firm whose name was not revealed. However Marvellous Sibanda, the chief running officer of the cement firm, claims the solar power provider is based in Zimbabwe with technological partners in South Africa. No details were given on the price of the 32 MWp solar photovoltaic job.
Construction of the plant will certainly take 18 months. PPC is expected to draw 16 MWp of electrical power from the future center for the operation of its clinker plant (the major part of cement, editor's note) in Colleen Bawn. The staying 16 MWp will certainly be infused right into Zimbabwe's nationwide electrical energy grid.
Pretoria Portland Cement is thus one of the companies that have actually chosen to turn to solar power for their electrical energy supply in Zimbabwe. A few months back, Caledonia Mining Corporation, which runs the Blanket gold mine in Matabeleland South Province, released a require tenders for a 19.65 MWp solar task. The future 6.55-MWp phased-in installment will provide power at its Blanket cash cow.
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