Worldwide renewable energy jobs grow 6% to reach 12.7 m in 2021

Sep 23, 2022 10:41 AM ET
  • International employment in renewable energy, counting direct and also indirect jobs, grew to 12.7 million individuals in 2021 from 12 million in 2020, according to the most recent report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
Worldwide renewable energy jobs grow 6% to reach 12.7 m in 2021
Image: Lance Cheung

Of the total amount, 4.3 million individuals are used in the solar photovoltaic or pv (PV) field, up from 4 million in 2020. Global work in onshore and also offshore wind stood at 1.4 million in 2021, up from 1.25 million a year earlier.

In regards to location, China made up 42% of all renewable energy jobs in 2015, while practically two-thirds remain in Asia. Work in the area is strong thanks to Asia's setup numbers and substantial equipment production capability.

The EU as well as Brazil each have a 10% share in international renewables jobs, followed by the United States and also India with 7% each.

IRENA explains that women currently make up one-third of all jobs in the field, thanks to "motivating advances" in workforce gender equity.


Solar PV is the fastest-growing renewable energy field. With no shock, China is the leader right here once again, accounting for 63% of PV jobs in 2021 or approximately 2.7 million individuals. It is the leading producer of PV tools and the world's biggest installation market.

Solar jobs in the United States rose to 255,000. In Europe it stood at 268,000 as well as in India at 137,000. The top 10 solar jobs markets had a share of 87% in the total matter.


Employment in onshore and offshore wind is additionally focused in a relatively handful of nations. China; s share is 48%, Europe's is 25% and also the Americas represent 16%. The top ten countries for wind jobs with each other used 1.16 million people which is equal to 85% of wind jobs.


Worldwide employment in renewable energy could strike 38.2 million in 2030 under an enthusiastic power change situation with front-loaded investments, IRENA said. Energy efficiency, electrical lorries, power systems/flexibility and hydrogen can supply jobs for a further 74.2 million individuals by that same year under the ambitious circumstance.


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