Vietnam Will no Longer License Mass Solar Projects

Dec 21, 2019 03:31 PM ET
  • A policy document that was made public recently, Hanoi has asked all regional governments and EVN to stop authoring the creation of new solar parks. Before now, about 8.93 GW utility solar energy capacity was approved.
Vietnam Will no Longer License Mass Solar Projects
Image: Waaree Energies

According to the recent policy document published in Vietnam, EVN will no longer authorize large scale solar projects like solar parks. This decision was made after the approval of solar power projects reaching as high as 8.93 GW for 135 projects. The policy urges governments within the region to stop approving projects for mass PV systems that are within the FIT scheme. Out of the 135 projects, those with a cumulative 4.5 GW were activated in June. This was when the first part of the scheme expired. 

According to the ministry, only the projects within the FIT contract that have already gotten the approval will be allowed to go online. These projects are scheduled to be completed by the end of the year and will be able to secure subsidies. Other projects that do not have FIT contracts at this time will have to wait and compete in solar auctions. 

At the time of writing, several agencies are working with the Ministry of Trade and Industry to come with a draft for the new solar auction. Before finally deciding to switch to solar auctions, the Vietnamese government had announced that it was making plans to reboot the FIT scheme. The country will add 3.5 to 4 GW to its yearly energy generating capacity which is already growing by 10% annually. however, no statement was made regarding when the suspension on creating more solar enrgy projects will be lifted.