Vattenfall Revs Up 20MW Battery at UK Wind Farm
Oct 12, 2023 04:00 PM ET
- Vattenfall's largest onshore wind park in England, the 54.4MW Ray Wind Farm, has taken a major step towards sustainable energy production with the installation of a 20MW/45.5MWh Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). This BESS will provide enough power to cover the consumption of 3,500 British homes for 24 hours. Join us and learn more about this green energy revolution!

Vattenfall has installed a 20 MW/45.5MWh battery energy storage system (BESS) at the site of its largest onshore wind farm in England - the 54.4 MW Ray Wind Farm. The BESS will store excess power and feed it back to the grid during peak demand periods, enough to cover the consumption of some 3,500 British homes for 24 hours. The Ray Wind Park has been operating for over six years, providing clean energy for 30,000 homes each year. With the installation of the BESS, the wind park is taking a further step towards sustainable energy production.
How Will Vattenfall's BESS Impact 3,500 UK Homes?
- The BESS installation is among the first of its kind to be installed in the UK.
- It will help ensure reliable energy supplies despite fluctuating wind levels by storing excess power generated by the wind farm.
- The BESS will allow Vattenfall to dispatch power to the grid when demand is highest, reducing the need for costly and polluting energy sources, such as natural gas.
- The BESS will also help to reduce the cost of electricity for consumers by avoiding peak-time pricing, which is often charged to cover the increased demand.
- In addition, the BESS will help to reduce the strain on the grid during peak times, allowing for greater stability and reliability for other users.
- The BESS is expected to provide a 3.5 percent reduction in carbon emissions from the Ray Wind Farm.
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