URE introduces Taiwan manufacturing facility disposal

Jul 18, 2020 10:28 PM ET
  • The Taiwanese supplier said it has sold its Jhunan Kebei plant to a Taiwan-based manufacturer of masks for semiconductor production. However, it will enhance capacity at its manufacturing facility in Tainan by as much as 200 MW in the third quarter.
URE introduces Taiwan manufacturing facility disposal
Image: Bru-nO, pixabay

United Renewable Energy (URE), a Taiwan-based solar cell and module manufacturer, revealed the disposal this week of its Jhunan Kebei producing center, as part of its broader efforts to consolidate production.

It marketed the facility to Taiwan Mask Corp., a regional manufacturer of masks for semiconductor output. "The offer is expected to be around NT$ 1.04 billion, and also transfer will be full prior to end of the year," the company stated, including that it will continue to make solar cells as well as modules at various other manufacturing websites in Taiwan.

" Right currently, URE still have Jhunan Keyan, Houkou, Hsinchu, Tainan, Vietnam as well as Thailand production websites," the manufacturer informed pv magazine.

The firm presently has a solar cell manufacturing capacity of 2.5 GW, while its panel capability stands at 1.1 GW. "Around 1.5 GW of cell capacity lies in Taiwan, while the rest remains in Vietnam and also Thailand," it claimed. As for the modules, it has 600 MW of production capacity is based in Taiwan and 500 MW in Vietnam. "We also contract out concerning an additional 200MW of module from our provider in Taiwan," it included.

URE plans to increase module production in the 3rd quarter of this year at its facility in Tainan, by approximately 200MW. "This results from solid regional demand from solar system jobs," the firm discussed, without disclosing extra details about its capacity expansion strategies. "URE changes to focus on own-brand module and also planetary system company, the solar cell manufacturing was changed according to modifications in the market."

In December, the vertically incorporated solar manufacturer exposed plans to develop a 193 MW solar task near the city of Tainan. The installment will certainly be one of the largest ground-mounted PV ranges on the island upon conclusion.
